Chapter 34:The End

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The dress rehearsal for Jr Show B went well.
When it was show time,the show went well. The only thing was that Avery had her fast change. A couple of volunteers helped her change. It was fine. Bowing was great.
After the show,Sophia calls me over.
"Emma,come here. I need to tell you something," she says.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I've decided to adopt you!" She tells me.
I hug her.
"I've been working on this for a while, but I wanted to keep it a a secret ," she tells me.
"Thanks you!" I exclaim.
Olivia and the others had been standing near, as had some of my friends.They come over. My friends hug me. I'm so happy. I finally have found a place to call home.

To make a long story much shorter, Sophia and the other teachers basically convinced Olivia to go camping when we were going camping. My friends and Mme. and Mlle. we're going camping too.
We had so much fun camping .We had a water gun fight and a water ballon fight. We went swimming in the ocean and had a mini dance competition on the sand bar. We BBQed. We went to town and got ice cream. We swam while the sun set. That was amazing, and it was beautiful. We had a camp fire and talked the night away, while roasting marshmallow , eating them and making s'mores.
It was amazing.
The End
A/N: This is the end of the story. Comment how you feel about that. Also, comment any questions about the story, and if you want an epilogue. If I have to do anything to make you be able to put this story in your archive(after the epilogue, if there is one) please comment it.

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