Chapter 30

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Mackenzie talked to our guidance counsellor about the bullies,and that problem was solved.
1 week later, Olivia still wasn't ready to come back to the studio. They said another week. I really hope that this won't continue.
Sure enough, another week later, Olivia was ready to come back. I could tell she was working hard to catch her classes up to everyone else's.
About two months ago, the first auditions for the Choreography Showcase were held. The Choreography Showcase is when dance students at our studio make up a dance, then audition it for the show. Earlier this month, the second auditions were held. Everyone got in.
Today is the show date. Olivia still isn't 100% well, but that wasn't my problem today. She wasn't there when we first started, at 10 am, but I heard Sophia tell one of the older dancers, Brooklyn(who I am borrowing a costume from) that she would be here shortly. Sure enough, after I ran my dance, she showed up. Since we had been running our dances in the auditorium, she went up near the top and sat by Sophia. After everyone ran their dance( or part of their dance) for tech rehearsal, we had a snack and got ready for dress rehearsal. That went well. Sophia's nephew filmed it. He would also film the real show.
Later we got ready for the real show. Sophia fixed my lipstick once, then she was busy. I was 7 th, right in the middle. After my dance, there was an improve session . As I stand backstage, watching one of my new friends dance, I see Olivia sneak backstage. Sophia looks worried, until Olivia reassures her that all she wanted was to check in and she how things were going. However, while she was backstage, Olivia started coughing. That honestly didn't surprise me. She was already sick. But Sophia, man Sophia, did she panic. She started freaking out. Thank goodness Brooklyn got the message before Sophia started speaking so loud that the audience could hear. Brooklyn kind of lead Olivia to the change room,so that Sophia wouldn't completely have a cow(not literally ). By the time we did the improve session,Olivia was fine.
The show, overall, was a lot of fun.

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