Chapter 27:Scared!

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I sit under a counter in my classroom, nearly paralyzed (not really, just by fear.) We are having a lockdown, and judging by the way my teachers are acting, this is no drill. Let me back track a little. Right after the bell rang for 2nd period, Mlle. Madison came into our class. She whispered something Mme. Lily. I thought she looked a little scared, though that could have just been me. Suddenly, the door slammed shut. Mlle. grabbed Mme. Lily. They both looked a bit alarmed now. The door had startled us all.
"Just the wind," Mme. had said.
Now I doubt that.
The next thing I heard was "This is a lockdown," over the PA system.
Mlle helped Madame cover the windows, for Madame's arm was in a sling. (It was still injured).
So now here we are.
Several hours later, the PA system announces that the lockdown is over.
"Oh, thank goodness," Mlle. said ,relived
I look at the clock .
"Wow," I say to myself, shaking my head.

We missed an entire day of school. I
"Madame Lily?" Asked Emilia, one of the students in English though the door between our classroom that she had just opened.
"Yes," asked Mme in reply.
"Can you come in here for a second?" She asked.
Mme went in. I wasn't there when she came back out(because I had to go on my bus), but Ava texted me that night and said that Ms. White, who works next door to our class, had passed out. I was shocked.
The next morning, I heard Mme and Ms. White talking ask I entered the classroom.
"... I shouldn't be teaching. But this is my last year, and if I don't teacher now, I won't be able to support myself later on," Ms. White told Mme.
Mme sympathized.
I don't think I'm supposed to know that. Oh well.
That afternoon, I get on the bus and sit beside Mackenzie. This has became a common thing.
"What do your parents do?" I asked her, in attempt to get a conversation going.
"My mom' s a lawyer," she tells me.
"And your dad?" I ask.
"He died, when I was 7," she says softly.
"Sorry," I say.
"It's okay," she say, even quieter.
A/N:If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.

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