Chapter 33:Reherasals and Shows

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Because the Senior Show dress rehearsal and the debut show dress rehearsal had already happened, Junior Show A dress rehearsal wasn't as painful as I intended. The only problem was that one of the 6-8 jazz students couldn't find their jazz shoe. Other than that, the rehearsal wasn't terrible.

The next day, it's debut show. I get up fairly early(even though it's Saturday). The show starts at 10. We are at CEC by 8 am. Which means I got up at 6 am on a Saturday. Once the students start arriving, Olivia and I start organizing them. We are the first number, so we keep them in the wing, ready to go.

As we stand over the sitting children in the wing, I ask Olivia "Are you okay?"
"Yes,"she replied.
"You just looked nervous," I tell her.
"I am a little," she confessed to me,"I haven't danced ballet on stage in years,".
This kind of surprises me. She is a dance teacher.
"Really?" I ask.
"Would I lie to you?" I asked me.
"I don't know. You did a good job of hiding you were sick,for a while," I comment.
"You got me," she says "But seriously, I haven't been on stage to perform in two years. Just ask Sophia," she says, adnolinging the fact that Sophia had come backstage.
"It's true," Sophia pops in and says,"The show will be starting soon, by the way,"
"I better take my group to the other side of the stage then," I say, mostly to Olivia.
"Alright" She replies.
I heard my group of half the class to the other side of the stage. Once I'm on the other side of the stage, I flash Olivia a smile. She smiles back at me. This will be good.
I hear Sophia introduce the show.
The music for my assisting class starts, and away we go. Olivia is nervous at first , but soon seems to relax. The dance goes great.
Later in the show, I gather my assisting class up. I have to get them ready for curtain call. Once the class are on stage and have bowed, I'm beaming. When the 5 teachers come out on stage to bow, I clap my heart out. They are getting lots of applause , and they deserve every ounce of it.

As soon as the show is over, I go to the bathroom to change into my jazz outfit. It's 12:00, and the Junior A show starts at 2pm. That being said, all of the dancers need to be here by 1pm, to make sure they are ready. After I change, I do my hair in a high slick back ponytail. My jazz costume is pretty simple; a red tank top ,black pants, and a loose black tank top. On my feet I wear long black socks and my black jazz oxfords/shoes. I place my ballet costume, a coral dress with a romantic tutu. I would wear white ballet tights and beige ballet shoes(split soles) with this costume. My hair would be in a neat ballet bun.
I eat my lunch. Dancers start arriving.
"How was the debut show?" Isabelle asks me and Ava.
Ava was there too, to help, with her ballet class.
We told her it went well.
After the first few dances, my jazz class headed backstage. One dance before ours, we went into the wing. I took a deep breath. The dance was great.
Because I'm a control freak, I go and get into my ballet costume, even though I have like 6 dances and a 15 minute intermission. Then I go and do my ballet bun.
During the intermission,my ballet class goes backstage. I'm excited.
Then I hear Nicole, one of my ballet friends, calling for Olivia.
"Nicole, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I can't find my ribbon!" She exclaimed .
By this time, Sophia had come over to join us.
"Don't panic Olivia," Sophia advised.
Sophia helped Nicole find her ribbon. Our ribbons were our props.
If you ask me, I'd say our dance went awesome.
But recital performances aren't done for me yet. I have another tomorrow.
Late in act two,my ballet class heads backstage for curtain call. Curtain call was amazing. But the best part of that afternoon was Olivia's speech.
It's an annual thing. Whoever MCed would talk, then Olivia would. But this year, no one MCed. Therefore, Olivia spoke first.
She said"This time last year, I don't think anyone up here was quite prepared for this year. It's has been a rollercoster. During the summer, we changed name, location and ownership," she paused, and looked at Sophia, "That in itself sounds like a lot. but the story doesn't end there. In mid October, I was injured. That threw everyone and everything off. And as I stood backstage today,I found it amazing to watch. But I know, if I didn't have the most amazing colleagues , we wouldn't be here,".
Applause filled the auditorium .
Sophia spoke next. She spoke for less time. Then, one of the many recital volunteers gave each teacher a bouquet of flowers.

The next morning, I was awaken at 5:55 am by Avery. She was complaining to her mother about her quick change she had this afternoon. I felt bad for Sophia.
Authors note:
If you have any questions about the story, just comment them. Shoutouts are appreciated . I will do shoutout for shoutout. Just comment. Also, dumb Wattpad newbie question: When I finish my story(don't worry, it's not over yet), do I have to do anything to let you guys put it in your Archive? Comment.

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