Chapter 8 When theres will, thers a way

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"Sophia?" I asked on our way out of the studio.
It was 7:30pm, and the only other person here was Abigail.Abigail was fast asleep on my shoulder. I handed her to Sophia.
"Yes," she replied as she held Abigail and shuffled on her shoes
"I was thinking, with all that has happened, I think we should do something to make it better," I explained
My idea was that we held a show to raise money for the hospital and Olivia. I heard Sophia talking to Aiden, Olivia's son, about how they had no idea how they were going to be able to pay for Olivia's hospital treatments. This was a way.

"That's a great idea, but I don't know how much I'd be able to help you. I do still have to run the studio .she replied to my suggestion
We continued to head towards the car

" Yeh, I know. I will get other people to help." I said as we buckled up and drove away toward Sophia's house.

"Then I guess you have my permission to do this," she declared. We were at the house. I headed upstairs to bed.

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