Chapter 29:Bullies

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"She wants much more than this provincial life," I heard in a mocking voice behind me.
Emma and I were walking home. The voices were a couple bullies teasing Mackenzie.
They continued to tease her until she spun around and shouted "LEAVE ME ALONE!" At them. Then she bust into tears. She started running away.
I called her name again and again. She ignored me.
Eventually, I called out to her to stop. That I could run any faster. She had been sitting against a building . Now she looked up.
"Sorry," she apolisgied "I didn't know it was you,".
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"My mother works long hours. Between that and Olivia being in the hospital, it's and I little too much.Plus, I'm being teased. Both in the musical, and out." Mackenzie tells me.
"Oh Mackenzie," I say, and give her a hug.
It had been raining, but it started to clear.
"Let's go for a bike ride," I suggested to Mackenzie.
"Let's go," Mackenzie replied.
We went for a bike ride.
A couple days, I'm sitting on the bus with Mackenzie.
"I saw Olivia last night," she told me.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah,I went and I visited her at the hospital," she told me.
"Did you ask her when she would come back?" I asked.
"Yep. She said probably she will be out another week," she told me.
"Okay," I replied.
"It was emotional,"she told me.
"Oh," I said.
This conversation is getting awkward. I got off at the bus stop. She didn't , but that didn't surprise me, because sometimes she doesn't .

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