Chapter 32:Chaos

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"Olivia" Sophia said as she walked into studio b, where Olivia was teaching my class of seven girls , ranging from my age to grade 8, and nearly all at different heights.
We(the dance students ) had been sitting on the floor when Sophia walked. We had just finished running our dance and we were talking to Olivia. Olivia was sitting on the instructor's chair in front of us.
"Yes," Olivia replied to Sophia.
"Are my scissors in here? The new costumes have wires sticking right into the kids." Sophia told Olivia, referring to the costumes for Sophia's 6-8 jazz class, which she was supposed to be teaching right now. But like I've said before,the teachers like to interrupt each other's classes.
"Here is a pair of scissors," Olivia replied while handing Sophia a pair of scissors that were in a pencil cup on the table beside Olivia.
"Thanks,"Sophia replied, "It's terrible that they don't seem to check their costumes before they send them," she said, shaking her head and walking out the door.
The door in and out of studio B is in front of the room, and if you are facing the front,it's on the right side.
"Let's do it again,"Olivia told us,referring to our dance. Our dance is for the spring recital.
Debut show dress rehearsal in a word was chaos.

Now, you may ask, what on earth was I doing at the debut show dress rehearsal. Well, I was there for two reasons. Number one was that I assist Olivia's creative movement class, and number two is that,I am Sophia's foster kid, and with so many young kids and many people new to the recital process, apparently it was helpful to have me there.

Other than the normal chaos of a dress rehearsal, that fact that many of the people there were newbies at the whole recital thing, the fact that some hair pieces were in the wrong spot and others fell out, and the fact that there was a time when one of the girls in my assisting class couldn't find their hair piece, I'd say the rehearsal was successful.

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