Chapter 11-The first meetup

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The next day, I sat in the library at lunch, whispering to my friends. About the plan. I was meeting with Ms. Riley tomorrow and I wanted to have a idea to explain to her. So far, my paper of loose left that Ella gave me looked like this(Ella always has loose left on hand. She's very organized.):

Mini fundraiser- Cake walk-week before real fundraiser
Real fundraiser-concert
If available , Ms. Riley 's choir sings(completely understands if they can't .)

Then I made more notes.

The next day, I met up with Ms. Riley at the elementary school. She was happy to see me.
"Emma!" She exclaimed
I hugged her
"I miss being her. It's so different now."
"Yeah," commented Ms. Riley .
"Shall we go in and talk about your fundraiser?" Suggested Ms. Riley as she gestured towards the music room door.

We went into the room and talked. I said that we wanted to do revolting children as the "big" number. She was fine with that. We searched online and found a good arrangement for choirs of it.
"I'll work on the choreography and actions," I said
"And for now, I'll just work on teaching them the song." Said Ms. Riley
"Thanks,"I said"I really appreciate this."
"No problem," she replied
We also decided I would sing a solo so I would come back every Wednesday until the concert to practice. Ms. Riley would help with me with the vocals.
"Bye," I said, smiling
I was a lot happier today.

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