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Lydia's POV


I decided to not go to English because I refuse to sit in the back of a classroom with a window wide open and freezing air coming in, the teacher also refusing to close the window after multiple students complaining about it many times.

So now I am in the library reading Romeo and Juliet, I come in here a lot since it's my second favourite place in the school, my favourite is the music classroom for many reasons. The library is just quit and relaxing, reading is one of my favourite things to do if I have time to do so.

After around 15 minutes of reading, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I check.

Rea: Meet me in music classroom near the gym in 5

I sigh and put my phone back away, leaving her on read and putting the book away into my bag. I stand up and head over to the exit and left the room. It didn't take too long to go through hallways and avoiding teachers who walk up and down them until I reached the room she told me to meet at.

Of course it was here, it is the only music room that doesn't get used anymore.

I walk inside quietly and see Rea sitting at the back and she spins around on her chair and looked at me.

"Don't be surprised but this place has a freaking record player!" She gasped and I roll my eyes and head over to her, " And Bluetooth speakers!"

"Woah, why did you call me here?" I ask and she shrugged, "Aren't you supposed to be in detention?"

"Shhh! No I'm nottt." She giggled and I chuckle and I head over to the corner of the room and sit down, "Why on the floor? Look at these chairs!"

"Will you shut up? You are going to get caught." I whisper and she stuck her middle finger up at me and I scoff and she picked up one of the electric guitars and rests it on her leg.

She studies it for a few minutes and there is a comfortable silence between us and I pull my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my knees then rest my head on my arms.

"My dad used to teach me guitar, you know?" She whispered and I tilt my head to the side and look at her, "I have been learning."

"What can you play?" I ask and she looks at me and shrugged, "aNything by my favourite artist?"

"And who is that?" She questioned and I chuckle.

"Taylor Swift of course." I laugh and she chuckled whispering something to herself.

There was a few minutes silence before she put her fingers on the frets and did a few strums to see if it was in tune. Her eyes fall away from me and down to the guitar she is holding, then she began to play the guitar part on enchanted (the part before the bridge). I watch as she plays it, something inside me lights up, it may be that someone is playing my favourite part on a guitar, or it may be that the person playing that is playing it for me.

Once she finishes playing, she looks up and to me.

"Are you aware that your smile is basically touching your ears?" She whispered and I laugh.

"Best moment of my life." I laughed and she laughs and puts the guitar down and walked over to me, sitting down by my side.

My back rests against the wall and she faces my side and her eyes scan my face for a quick second before she looked away.

"So Lydia, what are your dreams and what do you like?" She asks me and I look at her as I think.

"There's many actually. I would really love to go to Paris like it is my main dream basically. Then there's wanting to find successful love, not one like all messy and shit, just a love where you understand each other, when you stare at each other and just think wow I am in love, a love where you just want to be with each other and get along perfectly. And then, there's the one where I want to meet Taylor Swift, or go to one of her concerts that would be amazing holy shit. My likes, cats of course I have a special place in my heart for cats. Taylor Swift of course, stupid answer I am a huge huge huge swiftie. I want to experience someone appearing at the door or comes into the room with a handful of roses I do in fact want to experience all that cute romance things. Hmm. Oh yeah! I really like going on long walks at night just to stare at the sky and the stars." I explain and she hummed as a smile rises to her face, "What about you?"

"My number one dream is to just find someone who is there for me, you know, someone who I can speak to and enjoy speaking to, someone who I can adventure in the woods like children, someone who I can be comfortable with. I like the stars they are just fascinating and there is something about stars which are just admirable. I really like fire, it sounds dangerous and things like that but I love fire, candles, bonfires, it's the colour and the way the flame will flicker. I like to listen to music when I am alone, just music where I can find comfort in. I also like playing the guitar for many reasons, one of them is to make my father happy and I know he would be watching me say this or something but I want to carry on with guitar, it was his thing, my brother didn't want to carry it on so I have, it is one of my favourite things now." She answered and I smile.

"I don't open up like this, it feels weird." She admits with a small laugh and I laugh.

"You have good interests, I am glad we are here right now." I admit and she hummed in agreement before shuffling around to get comfortable, "What about romance?"

"Romance comes when it decides to, I don't pay much focus and that probably sounds like a lie because you see me with a new girl every week, I do that because I want that attention, sometimes I feel lonely and the world is separating itself from me, so I find someone to love me and tell me things I think I would need to hear. But I don't always love them, I need them but never love them." She confessed and that was rather interesting.

"What will you do when it ends up coming though?" I ask her and she shrugged.

"I'll protect it with everything I have because love is a valuable thing and is worth keeping"

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