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Lydia's POV


Honestly, the past two days haven't been great. I didn't go to school since the funeral is today and I am not prepared for this at all.

It's Saturday, I am in my room looking for something to wear for the funeral, I picked out a black dress, tights and a black coat.

My mum wouldn't want this to be a big thing, we just invited family and close friends. Since my father isn't the best right now, Rachel is going to drive us and she's picking us up in half an hour.

The two are best friends, they always have been and my father is carrying their friendship on for my mother. I know nothing will happen between them both, my father isn't the kind of person to do that.

I finish up everything, my hair and my shoes and walk down the stairs. He is sitting on the sofa staring at the wall dressed in a suit.

"Dad?" I ask and he stands up quickly and looks at me, "It's going to be okay, I promise."

"I should be the one saying that, not you. But I know it is, she's still here with us. And forever will be." He smiled and I smile and he hugs me, "So you aren't doing your speech?"

"No, I'm doing it in private." I answer and he nods. We prefer private speeches, everyone gets to do one and there's the option of private or public with everyone watching.

I'm nervous, I really don't want to do this, not right now.


I stand on the grass as I watch people arrive, my father greets them and I sigh and someone walks up beside me.

"Do you need a hug?" Rea questions and I shake my head, "You are strong, so very strong."

I look at her and she looks back at me. I hug her, she hugs me back instantly and she squeezed me gently for reassurance.

The hug doesn't last long since Ryan walked over and waited with us as our parents come over also. But we all stand together as people start to gather around.

The men carry the casket over on their shoulders, I take a deep breath as I watch it get places onto the mat and there was silence.

I reach for her hand, she intertwines our fingers and I squeeze as I take a deep breath and I watch. The tears fill the rim of my eyes and I look down.

"All public speakers, please step forward." The man at the front says and a few adults walk over to the front and began speaking.

Unfortunately, I didn't hear much of what was said because I was lost in my own thoughts. My eyes stay fixed on the casket as the pain in my chest increased and I blink a few times to clear the tears in my eyes.

She was lowered into the ground, we walk over as we put things into the grave, I put in her favourite scarf and the tear falls when I put some of the dirt on to start covering. People put their things in and she was soon set under and people leave. They left without saying goodbye or anything but it's understandable, they didn't want to stay for too long.

I make my way back over as I sit down on the ground, Rea watched me from afar but looked away to give me space, I take a deep breath as I was left alone.

"You are gone, you are gone now, but you are happy. I will stay strong for you, I promise you I won't give up. I know this will hurt, this is going to cause a lot of pain because you aren't here anymore to comfort me, or I won't be seeing you around the house anymore, but I will be okay. I promise you that I will look after father for you, he is struggling though he doesn't want me to see him like this so I will take care of him. I miss you, I will always miss you mum, I'm sorry for the past mistakes, please forgive me." I whisper as the tear falls down my cheeks,

Unfortunately, we can't spend too much time talking, there's only a few minutes each but that is okay, I have said everything I have needed to say for now.

"I won't say goodbye because this isn't our goodbye, I love you." I say as I stand up and wipe the dirt from my dress as I take a deep breath and turn around while wiping the tear away from my cheek just for more to fall.

"Come here." My father sighs as he brings me into his arms and I hug him tightly and we stay like this for a few minutes now before he had to go have his talk.

I sit down on the bench where I run my fingers through my hair and look at Rea who is walking over to me.

"Hey Lyds, you look like you need me." She smiled and I shake my head, "Oh."

"No wait please, stay, please stay." I quickly say and she sits with me on the bench and I look down, "Can we go drive somewhere? It's night, the stars are bright, I also need to clear my mind."

She nods and I nod with a small smile on my face as I look at her.

"Suits fit you rather nicely." I admit and her cheeks darkened very quickly and she looks away, "Are you blushing?"

"Shut up, maybe I am." She chuckled and I smile and feel my heart flutter in my chest and she looks at me, "Are you going to school on Monday?"

"Probably, why are you asking?" I question and she shrugged.

"I just miss seeing you around. Two days is quite a long time in my eyes." She smiled wider and I rest my head against her shoulder, "You are my favourite person Lydia, can I stay the night?"

"You are basically with me every night, I would prefer it though, having you here with me would really cheer me up." I tell her and she smiled at me.

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