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Lydia's POV


We are walking around town, she looks at me and smiled as we walk down the path.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp and she raised a brow. I let go of her hand and carefully approach the cat and crouch down, "Hi little one."

The cat came up to me and I stroke its fur, it's ginger and white and looks adorable. The cat lets me stroke it and it meows and I smile.

"She's a stray, we feed her every morning, lunch and night. Very friendly as you can see, nobody wants to take her home even though he is healthy and everything." A woman who is behind us says, she owns a cafe and I look at her, "We are taking her to the shelter tonight so she can have somewhere to stay."

I look at Rea who is watching with a smile and she shakes her head. "Can we?"

"She is looking for somewhere to stay." The woman smiled and the cat meows and Rea looks at her.

"We don't have any cat things." Rea says and I laugh.

"There's shops all around us, please can we?" I ask and she sighs, "Let me ask my dad."

I get my phone and the woman laughs. I send a message to my father.

Me: Hiii, there is a cat on the street who is really friendly and looks healthy and is healthy, she gets taken care of food wise but she doesn't have a home. Can we keep her? Me and Rea will buy everything now, pleaseeee?????

We stand at the side of the path waiting for a reply, Rea is crouched down giving the cat some attention with a smile on her face.

Dad: We do need a pet don't we? I don't see why not.

Me: Thank you, thank you, thank you

"Do we need to pay you?" I ask the woman and she laughs and shakes her head.

"You look like wonderful girls, have her for free, she just wants a happy family." She smiled and I smile.

"We will be back in half an hour, thank you." I smile and she smiles while I grab Rea's hand and we head down the street, "We have a child."

"Holy shit we do." She grinned and I laugh.

It doesn't take long until we find a pet shop and luckily I have plenty of money on me right now. We walk inside and Rea goes for the food and the cat litter while I go for the toys, bed, basket and extra things. We take our time choosing what and then we meet each other at the counter and then pay, we split the money and payed half, g half, ending up paying £18 each which isn't the worst.

The two of us leave the shop, hands filled with bags and Rea had a huge smile on her face and I look at her.

"You look really, really happy." I whisper and she looks at me.

"I am, are you?" She asked me and I nod.

"I am really, really happy." I smile and she smiled back.

After five minutes we reach the cafe and the woman came back to the door and she smiled.

"I filled the carrier with blankets and everything." I say as she came over to us.

"That should be great, I can send you details for the vets and everything." She smiled and I smile as me and her get our phones out and exchange numbers.

It takes us another 30 minutes to finish up everything like setting up the vets and calling them to arrange appointments for different things like microchip and vaccinations. We thank the woman who is named Katie before we head back to the car.

"What shall we name her?" I ask as I sit in the passenger seat with our cat in my lap and Rea was turning on the engine.

"How about Nala?" Rea suggests and I hummed and she meowed causing Rea to smile, "Our Nala."

Rea drives us home, Nala is curled up in my lap and she looks around 5 weeks old so just over a month, apparently her mum died during birth and she has other siblings but they were also adopted. We have to bottle feed her and everything which I don't mind.

We soon arrive back at the house, I pick up Nala who is fast asleep and Rea takes the bags and I get a few bags and then we head inside of the house. My father greets us at the door, looking at the kitten with pure delight and I smile.

The bags were put down on the kitchen counter and my father takes Nala to go play while we set everything up. I do the litter tray, creating a cupboard for food and treats, setting up the food bowls in the corner of the kitchen.

Rea makes the bed and puts the cat tree up in the living room and toys inside and around the bed before handing some cat nip to the scratching box.

It doesn't take long until everything was ready so we join my father in the living room, he is playing with Nala with a laser, she's running around trying to catch it.

"Girls, I am going shopping since we are running out of food, I will be back in an hour since there's work things I have to drop off." He says and I nod as he stood up and Nala runs up to me. I smile and lift her up and she meows and I stroke her and she starts purring.

My father leaves the house so it's just the three of us now.

"What does your mum say about spending all this time with me?" I question and she shrugged, she's sitting with her arm holding her head up on the sofa and her eyes are on me.

"She isn't bothered, she just wants me to be happy and she sees when I am with you I'm the happiest. I just have to tell her when I am coming home or if I have a sleepover. She likes you a lot, she always has done." She smiles and I smile. Nala walks over to her lap and Rea gives her attention and strokes her with a small smile on her face.

She looks happy with Nala, she looks really happy.

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