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Lydia's POV


It's been a week since what was said, I have spoke to her a few times but not a huge or full conversation. Now I am sitting on the bleachers of the football game that is going on, I am sitting at the back and I am only here for Luca.

Something feels off about this game though, of course they are going to win but I just feel something is going to end up happening.

It's cold like normal and I brought my coat and everything so I will be fine, luckily the coat has fur inside so it is a bonus for the warmth. I stare off into the distance, not paying much attention to the players.

This happened for a few minutes until I look back down to the game, our team had the ball. I watch as everyone stands to their feet, waiting for the ball to get into the net only to be disappointed when the opposite team tackles them, taking the ball with him and running to the opposite side to the pitch. Scoring a goal.

Now that was interesting.

The other side of the bleachers erupt into cheers and applauds, it was quite loud and I realised this could actually take a turn, the other team is winning and ours look frustrated and will now be improving, I know for a fact they won't be enjoying this.

I watch the rest of the game, as everyone thought, we won. I was correct, they improved and win by two goals and everyone is cheering and jumping up and down. I smiled since I was happy for them, I saw how happy it made them all so I am happy for them all.

I clap along with everyone else as the lot shake hands on the pitch and people ran down to them. I saw Ryan look at me and I smile and he smiled back as he went to go talk to someone who began speaking to him.

It takes around 15 minutes for people to start leaving and I stand up from the seat and head towards the exit and into the parking lot.

"Lydia, hold up wait!" Ryan calls out behind me and I turn and look at him running up to me, "Thank you for coming, I have a letter for you from my sister."

"Uhm, alright, no problem." I take the folded up paper from his hands and give him a small smile.

"Please can I drive you home?" He asked and I nod and he smiled, "I will be back just wait."

I head over to the fence where I lean against it as he walks off to his team. I unfold the piece of paper and look around before I could start reading,

Dear Lydia,

Talk to me, please talk to me it's been far too long since I have heard your voice. I miss you, I miss having you around just please come speak with me. I hear your voice echo in my mind, it isn't the same though.

Come to my house tonight, please I am not attending the match tonight, I assume you are wanting space away from me so I won't push it. Lyds please come and see me, things are different and I didn't mean what I said, it hurt when I saw you look at me. At first I didn't know what the reason was why you parted away from me, but I do now, I understand.

Please Lydia, please come to see me or I will come to your house. Send me a message, call me, or just show up on my doorstep I just want you here right now. You aren't like the others who I ignore and don't speak to, you never have been. You are Lydia. You are my Lydia. Spending time away from you is feeling like we are worlds apart, come closer to me.

If you want to say goodbye, say it to me in front of me. You can say how you are feeling, you can sit in silence and read, or you can just tell me you don't want this friendship to continue, just not from a distance.

You make me feel something, you bring the light into my life and you are the one I stay up wanting here, you are the one I want to talk to any time of the day, you are the one I would go to in the middle of the night to see.

So please, tell me it's okay and we are going to be fine, tell me you hate this distance between us, tell me you want to see me as much as I want to see you. Just please come back.

Yours Sincerely,

Something about the letter causes my heart to ache in my chest, I realise there and then how much I miss having her around.

Ryan walks back over while I carefully fold the paper back up and put it back into my pocket and look over at him.

"Let's get going." He smiled and opened the door for me to step inside and I notice Luca already leaving, he didn't come over to talk to me, he didn't even look at me. I sigh and get inside of his car.

He closes the door behind me while getting into his side and I put my seatbelt on and then resting my head against the head rest. I watch him glance over at me and I give him a small smile before he turns the engine on and putting the radio on.

The car was reversed out of the car park and I look out of the window as we move. Luckily, it's a quiet area with rows of houses and plenty of trees around. The houses are white and beige some houses bigger than others and some with expensive cars and some with not so expensive, people just like to show off their money.

"So, how are you?" He asks me and I shrug as I remove my four from the outside and then I look at the brunette boy who has his attention on driving and occasionally looking at me for a few seconds.

"I've been doing fine, how about you?" I answer and he chuckled.

"It's been decent I guess." He smiles and I nod slowly before we turned a corner and he picked up the speed of the car and I look back outside of the window, "Are you staying over tonight? Our mum is inviting you both tonight."

"It depends on what time my father gets back, if he is home already then we probably will be." I reply and he nods with a small smile on his face.

We probably will be.

𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 || 𝐆𝐗𝐆 ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora