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Lydia's POV


It's now the weekend, school this week was terrible but things changed eventually. Rea got herself into a fight two days ago so she spent the rest of Thursday and the whole of Friday in isolation and her mum was pretty annoyed with her and took her phone away she we haven't messaged for two days but spoke on the way and back from school.

My bag is packed in my room, one hoodie, one shirt and cardigan, one pair of leggings, then one pair of joggers. Two pairs of socks and underwear, one pair of trainers. Then the toothbrush and all of them. It is a lot for two days but I guess it is alright.

I head downstairs with the bag in hand, it's 11 am and we are about to set off. I walk over to the door where my father is waiting for me inside of his car, I lock up after myself and get inside of the car with the bag on my lap.

He drives me down to the house and parked up on the path and he turns to me and smiled.

"Have fun, if you need anything call me, I'll talk get updates from Rachel during the day." He smiled and I smile before I take my bag and climb out of the car.

He drove off while I walked over to the door and rang the doorbell and I wait.

Rachel opens the door and she invited me inside and I smile while walking inside.

"It's just us girls tonight, Ryan has gone out with his team so he will be sleeping over their tonight. Are you wanting to have some pizza ordered?" She questioned and I nod, "Alright, alright! You can go upstairs, she hasn't seen you after school in a week, I can't lie she misses you a lot."

I walk up the stairs after a few minutes of talking and the house was silent. I walk to the door, knocking on it but getting no reply. There was a few minutes of silence so I knocked again and there was still nothing so I head inside.

She is on her bed with her earphones in and she has a book in her hands, Romeo and Juliet. She then looks up at me and her face went bright red and she took her earphones out.

"Are you reading my favourite book?" I question and she smiled widely, I walk over to her and she was red, "What are the plans for the weekend?"

"Spending time with you, also we are going to cover our beds with blankets and make a fort, and then we can watch movies." She told me and I nod and she smiled and she smiles back at me, "We are doing them tonight, there's snacks and everything!"

She talked with a huge smile on her face and I look at her with a smile, she was just talking about what we can do over the weekend and she was very happy while talking about this.

"Stop staring it's making me nervous." She laughs and I grin before laying down in her bed and then she looks over at me, "You make my really happy."

"Hm? Do I really?" I whisper and she hummed as she stares at my lips.

"Mhm, you make me so very happy." She whispered before she leaned in and kissed me.

The kiss was heated and she took hold of my waist as she straddled my waist and her tongue was already in my mouth.

"Girls! Downstairs!" Rachel shouts and she groaned and pulled away.

"On the way!" She shouts back and turned back to me, "I am sorry, love."

"You make me nervous, fucking hell." I giggle and she laughs and climbed off me, pulling me up with her.

We head down the stairs and Rachel smiled at me and at her daughter.

"What are you wanting for pizza?" She asked us and I go with Texas BBQ and Rea goes with pepperoni and Rachel does meat feast.

We all go sit on the sofa, Rea had her arms around my shoulders and I sit between her thighs, my head resting in her chest and she messes with my hair.

A Dog's Way Home is playing on the television and I am watching it, Rea isn't focusing much on the television but on me instead.

"You guys are so cute together." Rachel smiled and I smile at her, "What did I say, Lydia in the car?"

"What did you say to her?" Rea asked and I chuckle.

"We were talking about what would happen if I fell in love." I smile and Rachel smiles at me.

"I said this exactly, If you end up falling in love, let yourself. She's there, she will be there for you and if she ends up feeling the same, treat her well. But if you do end up falling in love, it's Rea, she is clueless at all of that so give her time and don't mind me calling you clueless, you both couldn't see those moments you both had together it was enjoyable to watch." She answered and Rea smiled and she was red of course.

"I did see some things though, I saw the way she looked at me with and smiled. I was just thinking she was being kind to me." Rea chuckled and Rachel laughed.

"Well I saw you blushing when I looked at you in a certain part of a song, your mum noticed it too." I look at Rea who looked back at me, "I'm surprised we are pulling this off at school."

"People are asking me if there's something going on with us, I deny since I'm not sure if you are wanting us to be public yet?" She told and I shake my head, "That's okay."

I look back at the television and Rea had her fingers tangled in my hair and I smiled while I look at the movie.


Food doesn't take long to arrive, just around 20-30 minutes and now we are sitting in her room with blankets and pillows everywhere, there's duvets from the side of the bed that head up to curtain rod and create a wall basically around us, there's fairy lights inside which creates comfort, many pillows and extra blankets and then there's one blanket that is used as the entrance and a blanket that is hooked open to see the television.

We sit on the pillows and have the pizza boxes in front of us, she's eating her pizza and I sit and watch television.

It's only 1 pm and we are eating pizza with forts in daylight, very nice.

"Soo, you are telling me that she dies?!" I gasp as I watch Padmé Amildala getting carried away at her funeral in Revenge Of The Sith.

"Unfortunately, yes." Rea answered and I look at her.

"But she's so hot, that dude killed her basically! At least she had the kids" I sit back on the pillows and she chuckled as we watch the movie.

"Eat up." She told me and I shake my head, she looks at me with a confused look but then sighed, "You are beautiful, I am sorry about everything my brother said but I'm not like that, I promise you. You can eat anything you want, you can eat hundreds of pizzas and hotdogs or burgers, and I will still call you beautiful because you are in every way possible. Just please eat some of this."

"I don't like mushrooms also." I smiled and she laughs.

"I'll eat them for you." She chuckled and I smile and rest my head on her shoulder, "You are more prettier than Padmé and she's my fictional crush No.1."

"I feel so special." I grin and she hummed before I pick up a slice and she takes off the mushrooms and eats them causing me to smile before I bite into the food.

It's nice.

Rea smiled once I finished this slice, she kissed me softly when I swallowed and I smile as we watch the film.

I love this girl.

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