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Rea's POV


She fell asleep in history and now she is in the back of the car, it was last period, we woke her up and she got very upset and then we took her to the car and she fell back asleep very quickly.

Now me and Ryan are driving her home, we agreed with her staying with us. There's music from the radio playing quietly as I look out of the window and listen to the quiet snores from the girl sleeping in the back.

"I'm sorry about today, at lunch." Ryan whispered and I hummed, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, why?" I look over at him and he just shrugs, "Alright then."

We carry on driving down the road until we pull up in the driveway I get out of the car and open up the door to Lydia's side as my brother went inside.

"Love, hey come on wake up." I shake her gently and she groaned as she woke up slowly and looks at me, "You can go back to bed once we get inside."

She hummed and I help her out of the car and we go inside.

"Mums not home, she's out shopping again." My brother told and I nod as we go upstairs and take off our shoes in the room.

Lydia goes and takes off her clothes, putting on a hoodie and shorts before she goes straight to my bed. I watch her as she pulls the duvet over her and takes my hoodie and pulled it to her chest.

"I got you something." I say and she hummed and I head over to the drawers where I take the bed and then go over to her.

She looks at me, she's so tired but she has a smile on her face.

"You are so beautiful oh my god." She whispered and I feel my cheeks heat up which caused her to laugh, "Why spend money on me?"

"Because you deserve to have all the money spent on you." I answer and she smiled as she snuggled her head into my hoodie and I smile.

She took the bag and lifts her head up, taking the bag from in front of her and she smiled.

"It's a card." She told and I hummed, she takes it out from the bag and opened it up. I watch her read everything I put on it and then I watch the smile that quickly appeared on her face, "I wanted to ask you."

"Go ahead, ask me then." I chuckle and she smiled widely.

"Rea Avila." She starts off and I nod with a smile, "Will you...be my valentine?"

"I would love to." I smiled and she smiles and cupped my face before kissing me softly.

Her lips were soft, her lips were my weakness and something I have longed for so long now. She always smiled when we kissed, she had a small smile on her face and her thumb always rubbed against my skin.

She pulls away and looks into my eyes, her cheeks red, her smile widening which made my heart flutter in my chest.

"You are my greatest weakness Lydia, you always have been, in past, in the future, in the present, you will always and have always been my greatest weakness." I whisper and I get cheeks darkened as I pull her back in and kiss her.

There's a knock at the door, I sigh and pull away, turning towards the door and climbing off the bed. I look over my shoulder and she was pulling the duvet over her body and falling asleep.

"Come out here, we need to talk." Ryan told me and I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me. He took us into his room and I sit down on his bed and he looks at me, "Mum isn't going be home for a while, she's out somewhere she told me she won't be back till tomorrow morning. Is Lydia staying? What food are we having?"

"Alright, she can stay if she wants, Liam won't mind. And then I'll cook something, bacon and eggs?" I answer and he nods.

"Luca is coming over too." He says and I nod, "He should be here soon."

There's a knock on the door and we both look and Lydia is standing there. I raise a brow and she smiled at me so I return the smile before she walks into the room.

"Is everything okay?" I ask and she nods and sits down.

"I can't sleep." She sighs and I chuckle. She wants me to come with her, she's looks tired but she can't sleep, she told me once that when I am with her and close she can sleep easily and she now sleeps with my hoodie when I'm not with her, "What are you talking about?"

"Our mum isn't going to be home for the night, Luca is coming over and Rea is going to cook." Ryan answered and she nods before resting her head on my shoulder, "You would be surprised she loves cooking as much as guitar playing."

"Oh really? Can you cook as good as you play?" She questioned and I shrug.

"You just have to wait and see." I smile and she smiles back, "Go to bed, I'll be there soon." She does as I say, she leaves the bedroom quietly and goes back into mine.

When we hear the door of my bedroom close, my brother looks at me. I look back at him and I don't know how he is feeling, because from his facial expression he's happy, but from his posture it is questionable.

"What's up?" I question and he shrugged.

"You look so happy with her, but I don't want you breaking her heart like you do with the others." He says and I sigh.

"I love her with my whole heart, I have done for three years while you were dating so if you ever think I will break her heart that'a a shame for you because I won't ever break it." I answer and he nods and we do a pinky promise before I get up from the bed and leave his room.

I have no idea when Luca is arriving so I just go into my bedroom and she's laying in the bed with the hoodie pulled close to her and I smile and close my door, switching off the light also.

"It's dark, I'm scared of the dark Rea." She whispered and I smiled and turn on the fairy lights and I watch as her eyes brighten and I walk over to the wardrobe.

I quickly get changed into an oversized shirt and some shorts before going over to the girl who is laying in my bed and climb in beside her.

She turns over, her back to me and I pull her closer to my body by her waist, my arms stays there and her fingers tangle with mine before she moved even closer until she could probably feel my breath against her skin.

"You are my favourite Rea, I want you to know that." She whispered to me and I smile before she falls asleep.

"You are my favourite too Lyds, sleep well my love."

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