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Lydia's POV


The game started ten minutes ago, it is freezing since we are standing outside, I have a coat on but it isn't doing a good job of warming me up.

There must be around 500 students out of the 900 in the school, football is a big thing for this school, many people come to watch it. We are carrying a winning streak of 6 games so far. Only lost 2.

I sit on the bench near the front, just a few rows away from the pitch. I watch as the ball gets passed around to all of the team. I know nothing about football, if someone asked me to tell details on how they played I wouldn't have a reply, only that they did brilliant.

People talk, it's loud, I stay silent as I watch the game play, all I know is that Ryan is number 2 and Luca is number 20 so I look for those.

Maybe watching football at this time in the year is stupid, standing outside with cold air and snow for 90 minutes is upsetting, I know I could be doing way better things right now that I would actually enjoy. I do not enjoy this because I would prefer sitting in-front of a fire listening to Taylor Swift and a mug of hot chocolate with films playing than this. I am just here because I was asked to, and because I am a supporting girlfriend.

"You looked miserable, why are you here watching your so called boyfriend playing football? This is the last thing you would want to be doing, he won't even be coming home with you." A familiar voice was heard beside me and I look and see Rea.

She has her dark hair tied into two plaits that are on either side of her head. She has a pair of joggers and a hoodie on with the hood up. She probably went home and got changed, sadly I haven't even left the school grounds yet.

"My best friend is playing also? It is also called respect." I answer and she chuckled.

"There is girls with his hoodie on over there." She pointed to the blonde girl from earlier, "And she is wearing his spare football shirt." She points to another blonde girl a few rows behind the previous.

"I bet those are the reason he never comes to visit me on weekends?" I raise a brow and she nods slowly.

"I have seen them in the house a few times. Just dump him already." She told me and I scoff, "You have tried before I know, don't say shit I know he's a dick, I am sorry you have to deal with his ass."

That was the kindest thing I have heard her say to me before.

"Thanks I guess." I look over to the match playing and she got her phone out and started messaging someone. Probably one of her girlfriends?

I think it is in the family, they cheat on their partners all of the time, it is quite disappointing I can't lie.

"Want a hotdog?" She looked at me and I nod and she returns a nod before walking over to the hotdog stand.

I was left alone once again, the ball was passed over to one of the teammates who kicked it to another who kicked it back as he reached closer to the net. Then he took the shot and scoring a goal.

Everyone cheered, standing up and clapping, the whole team cheered and high-fived each other. The cheerleaders in blue and white uniforms danced, doing their routine they spend weeks learning, throwing each other into the air and shaking their pom-poms in the air. This lasted a few minutes or close to that and then the boys were back to playing again.

After a minute or two, Rea returned with two hot dogs in one hand and two hot chocolates in a cardboard cup holder.

"Oh wow, they scored a goal, go team go." She chuckled and I laugh at her. We are all used to this happening, it is expected to happen, that is why it is so boring.

"I got hot chocolate too which is your favourite, my brother told me." She gave me the drink and the hotdog covered in tomato sauce and I thank her.

"Do I need to pay you back?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's food, everyone needs it in order to survive. I am just being nice, you are going through a lot take it as a well done gift." She shrugged and I gave her a small smile.

I bite into the hot dog, it is delicious wow.

After another five minutes, I finish off with the hotdog, walking down the rows of stairs and putting the cardboard box into the bin. While I was there, someone accidentally walks into me, catching me by surprise.

"Holy shit, I am so sorry!" She says and I laugh as I look up to see who it was. The shirt she was wearing says 2 Avila I feel myself looking at it for a few seconds too long. When I look back up, she looks nervous, she has worry and slight anger in her eyes.

"No, no it is okay. Where did you get the shirt from might I ask?" I question and she gulped before answering.

"Uhm, my boyfriend gave it to me?" She answered and I take in a quick breath.

"Damn, I have seen others with the same one, and his hoodie." I chuckle and she looked at me.

"Excuse me?" She raised a brow and I laugh, "Forget it. I am sorry for walking into you, hope you enjoy the game."

"Same for you." I smile before walking away and heading back to the seat where Rea is sitting taking a sip from the drink in her hand, "You would never guess what just happened."

Her head lifted and she looked at me and she put her drink down.

"I just met one of Ryan's girlfriends." I laugh and she laughs, "She looked pissed."

Rea laughs and I sit back down as I drink the hot chocolate which was still warm gladly.

We scored another goal, getting the same response as we did before, cheering, applauds, dances from the cheerleaders.

It really is getting old.

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