Christmas (An Extra Bonus Chapter)

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Rea's POV


"Merry Christmas!" Liam cheers as me, Reina, Luca, and Ryan sit around a table. The rest of the family went off to their places, well my parents are in Paris, we are here.

"Merry Christmas!" We smiled back as Liam took us all to the tree, we have been staying here for the past week, it's the Christmas Holidays, and we wanted a place to stay. After everything, Liam was our go-to person, plus he would need some people to have around at Christmas.

It's been a year and a half since we last saw Lydia, I haven't moved on, she's still on my mind every single day, and every single day I miss her. But I know she's happy, I know she's smiling down on us, and as long as she is happy I am too.

"Rea, these are for you." Liam smiles with his Santa hat on his head, we are all wearing one as he just wants us to be in the Christmas Spirit. I say it has worked perfectly.

Liam also dressed us up in matching Christmas jumpers, just to add to the spirit. We are all wearing a red Christmas jumper with a reindeer and snowflakes on them. I have to say, they are very comfortable.

The man passes me a few presents that are wrapped up in snowflakes, red and green, Christmas trees, and just different types of wrapping paper. But each one was tied together with a white bow.

"Thank you." I smile back but pause for a moment, "Could I open mine last?"

"Of course." He gave Ryan his presents who wasted no second to opening them up. Ryan hasn't changed, well he shows sympathy for me every now and then, glares at whoever talks bad about Lydia, and always comes to me when I'm crying in my room. I haven't seen him cry once over her, I swear he loved her at one point.

My brother eagerly unwrapped his presents, he got from Liam, a few jumpers, a watch, and some new games for his console. From my parents, he got a gaming console, a new phone, and some things for his room. I would say he is grateful for them.

Next up was Luca. Liam gave the boy his gifts, all the family members gave Liam each kid's gifts so we could open them all together. That is why we have quite a lot of presents each.

The boy then read each card first, and he received a few notes of cash which caused a smile to rise on his face. Once he went through the cards, he moved on to the presents.

Luca received from Liam, a few pairs of clothes, some cologne, vinyl records of his favourite bands and a record player which was originally Liam's. He always wanted one I heard. From his parents, he got more vinyl records, some money, a new car, and some clothes.

Liam then gave Reina her gifts, now he doesn't know the girl very well as she has just come home once again but he knows enough to get her plenty of gifts to make the girl smile.

"Thank you!" She laughs before she even opens anything, I notice how what she said made Liam smile, it reminded him of Lydia. Gosh, she would be loving this right now.

Reina opened up her cards that held some notes of money and even a few candy canes. She read each one carefully before putting them beside her and thanking whoever was in the room who gave her a card. The girl then moved on to the presents.

She received some jewellery, makeup, CDs, and books from Liam, all of the things she asked for that he had known of. With each gift she held a bright smile on her face, her smile would bring happiness to us all, and this is why she is my favourite cousin.

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