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Lydia's POV


Sitting at the back of the class has good reasons but also bad. One positive is that it's quieter and you don't have the eyes of everyone on you, one negative is when the window is open freezing air enters the classroom.

Right now, it feels like I'm going to turn into a block of ice. I don't know who would have every window in the room open in the middle of January when there is snow outside and also the freezing air. It's just stupid.

I write down a few notes into the book in front of me as the teacher left the room to sort out a fight on the corridors, typical british schools.

Students leave the classroom to go see this fight like they do all the time, I watch as the run out of the door and join the crowd.

"Holy shit! Ryan is beating the shit out of Arlo!" Someone yells and I sigh, stand up and walk out of the door.

I head over to the crowd, pushing past a few people as I watch my boyfriend punch someone who was laying on the floor. Teachers try to separate the two but it didn't work, fuck knows what happened this time.

"Don't you ever say that about my girlfriend again you dickhead." I hear Ryan punch him one last time and I sigh. That answered my question.

"Ryan! Get off him!" A teacher pulled him back but he didn't move. By now, Arlo is bleeding with a cut lip, a nose bleed and most likely a lot of bruises tomorrow.

"Dude, let go of him, it's sorted." Luca, Ryan's best friend says to him from the opposite side of the crowd.

After a few more minutes, the two were pulled apart and I look at him, his fists covered in blood and bruises. Arlo was carried out and to the nurses office as people cheered for my boyfriend, he's the best footballer in this school, people love it when he gets into fights, the. loves it even more when he wins them.

"Detention for the next two days." A teacher shook her head in disappointment and I walk over to him as the crowd parted for him to walk out and to the bathrooms, I follow behind him.

He pushes through the doors and I go behind. Oh well if it's the boys, people will understand.

"What the heck was that for?" I ask as I fold my arms across my chest and I notice Luca coming into the bathroom.

"He said shit that I wasn't going to let slide, come on Lydia he deserved it." He washed his hands under the water, groaning at the pain.

I grab a cloth and gently take his hands, pressing cloth against his fists where he took a sharp breath.

"He called you a whore." He says and I roll my eyes, "I wasn't going to let that happen Lydia, it was rude, you would have done the same!"

"No, I would ignore him and walk away." I admit and he sighed and I finish off with his hands, "Ryan, just don't do it again. You have been in way too many fights I'm worried."

He looks at me and I look back, his eyes falls to my lips before he leaned in and kissed me. It didn't feel right, it hasn't done for the past month.

I don't get the sparks and butterflies in my stomach, I don't get excited when he's around, I don't smile at his name.

I kiss him back though, like I always do.

"Guys come on, we are missing class." Luca cleared his throat and then Ryan pulled away from me and smiled, "Let's go?"

We nod before leaving the toilets and back into the corridor, Ryan separates from us to go to detention and I put my hands in my blazer pockets as I walk.

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