Another fight.

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He decides to sheathe the blade, sealing most of it's powers for now.

Rimuru: Thank you, Kaijin.

He says, bowing a little whilst standing to show his gratitude.

Kaijin: Rimuru-Sama, there is no need to bow, I simply did what my king asked me to.

He bows after Rimuru stopped bowing.

Rimuru: Hm, very well, I'll probably go test this out... Bai Bai.

He turns around and walks out of the blacksmith, as Kaijin says his goodbyes aswell and goes back to share about what he witnessed.

Rimuru: (I wanna test this out, and I think I know who to test it out against.)

He teleports to a certain pink haired Loli, who he catches by surprise but immediately asks her about the fight.

Milim: Oh, our rematch!

She exclaims, completely forgetting about the fight Rimuru had promised her.

Rimuru: Right, I wanna test this blade out that Kaijin recently created, so now would be a good time to fight.

He pulls out the scarlet and crimson blade, showcasing it to Milim who looks at it with glowing eyes.

Milim: It looks so powerful...

She looks at the sword, examining it.

Rimuru: Mhm, very well, let's go somewhere else to fight, shall we?

He asks.

Milim: Yes!


A bunch of barriers cover up the entire area, as a pink haired Loli and a pure white haired trap stand across the collesseum's field. The field is capable of holding an entire army if it wanted to, and it's terrain is the perfect area to fight in for them. At the same time, two spectators have came to watch the fight.

Guy: This will be interesting...

He says, sitting on one of the tens of thousands chairs with Velzard right besides him.

Velzard: Indeed...

The auras both individuals release are huge, matching each other easily.

Rimuru: So you already went into your battle form?

He asks the dragonoid, who floats in the air with her more mature like form, wearing her armor alongside holding her Mythical blade as two wings manifest behind her alongside a horn on her fore head.

Milim: If I were to be careless, you'd be the one winning here!

She declares, now looking at Rimuru with a battle hungry look.

Rimuru: (So you finally recognize me as a worthy opponent.)

He starts floating up aswell, pulling out Akaiittou as he covers it in Nihility.

Rimuru: Let's begin, shall w-


The entire area gets covered in a shockwave, the ground tears apart and an ear deafening sound capable of creating a black hole roars through the entire area. The single strike was so devastating, entire stars would be wiped off if they got hit by it's shockwave alone.

Guy: <Whistles>

Not impressed by the attack, but actually impressed by the fact that Rimuru managed to block Milim's attack, seemingly with little effort too.

Rimuru: Sheesh, go a little easy on me will you?

He says, a bit taken back by the sudden burst of power.

Tensura, An Alternate Timeline (TAAT) (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz