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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥

Bringing the mic to my lips I sung my lines. While moving my body at the same pace as Jimin and Jungkook who danced on either side of me. The crowd was so live. Although TYT doesn't have an official light Stick or anything of that nature. I was so happy to see so many army bombs in the ocean of supporters

I wink into the crowd of screaming fans while whipping my hair to the side and doing a body roll as we all transitioned into the next part of our dance. 

This tour has been crazy. But we've seen nothing but support from fans and I can honestly say Im so happy I got to experience this collab with my girls. 

This was our last stop of the tour. We all rocked white on white outfits with all types of crystal and or rhinestone accessories. I had taken my Curly French braids out and installed wigs for different tour locations.

Jimin enjoyed running his fingers thru them. He used to play with my braids. For yoongi it's all the same. He just tugs on everything.

We had some ups and down on this tour tho. Namjoon sprained his ankle during one of our rehearsals. Jungkook and Tae collided on stage once. It was scary in the moment. But after making sure they were both okay, we were all able to have a good laugh about it. This tour was a wonderful experience for both me and the girls. We learned so many new things and i can only imagine we'd getting better and grow more as a group after experiencing these new things as one. 

Finishing up our ending songs. we all found a partner and posed. I smiled at the fans as we all got in a line up to say goodbye

After a lot of waving and blowing kisses towards the crowd, we all grabbed the next person wrist and collectively took a bow together. 

Running off stage we all cheered as we were handed water bottles. I could barely blink. My hands were shaking as i cheesed trying to calm myself down enough to drink my water. This last performance was surreal. We had to go out with a bang!

there was smoke machines we had confetti launchers and even huge bubble blasters throughout the show. 

After a long silence of everyone drinking their water Deja broke out into a scream and Nia joined in. they ran crashing into each other bouncing around. Mocha shook her head at them before pulling me by my arm into a warm hug 

Mocha: We did it...we really did it!!!

I nodded pulling away seeing all of the boys hugging each other as well 

I stood off to the side playing with the hearts on my waist chains. I wanted to go over and hug Jimin and Yoongi but they had been acting weird to me all morning. It kinda had me down before the show tonight but tessa kept my spirits up by making me laugh. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Manager Kim's voice. 

Manager Kim: Alright ladies come on. we need to get you all out of the venue quickly. Their gonna spend all day clearly this place out. 

I looked around realizing the guys were no longer in the room

I tapped mocha

Me: Where are the boys? 

Mocha looked confused

Mocha: they just let to their van? were you not listening when they said bye?

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