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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥


I rested against the wall catching my breath.

I had just ran from jimin who was going out of his way to make my day hard...
I can still remember the small smirk on his face

I ran my hand through my hair looking up as someone cleared their throat.

Looking up i saw all four boys from OTJ

Thats when i realized i was in the break room. Recently i've been doing well with eating with the rest of the crew in the cafe. I guess might feet just brought me here when i was running from jimin.

Justin: hey. Everything okay?

I nodded sending him a small smile as
Me: yes sorry got caught up and forgot where i was for a minute

Joshua: you guys have been doing really good lately. I see you get along with BTS well.

Me: yea they are really cool people.

Jamal: ion see what's so special about them

I went to speak but then I stopped myself. Idk why i just get some annoyed every time he opens his mouth

I watched as his bandmates gave him weird looks. Ignoring his statement i walked over getting some water

It was silent for a minute until i heard a chair being pushed back.

Taking a sip from my water i turned around to be met with jamal who was scratching the back of his neck.

I raised a brow at him confused.

Jamal: uhh actually i was wondering if you have a minute. I know that guy said you were seeing someone but I've literally never seen you with any other guy. So i was wondering if maybe you'd still like to go out with me on a date.

I clenched my bottle a little taken back. Imagine saying... "to my knowledge you are in a relationship but since i've never seen you with your significant other. I still want to convince you that you should go out with me"

Like wdf

Me: another guy?? What if I'm into girls??

He looked a bit taken back

Jamal: well I remember ole dude saying you had a boyfriend.

I nodded also remembering that

Me: and knowing that you still asked me out?

Jamal: well i just.... Figured if anyone had a chance it would be me?

He said in a questioning tone

I was trying to wrap my head around his dumb ass response that I didn't hear yoongi enter the room or the rest of OTJ greeting him.

I was knocked out if my trans when someone grabbed my hand.

Looking over yoongi gave me a stern look

Yoongi: you were supposed to be in my studio 10 minutes ago

I nodded

Me: sorry.. jimin's in a playful spirit again and chase me around the building. I got side tracked

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