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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥


I woke up to someone rubbing my back. I groaned and sat up some to be met with Jimin's adorable smile.

Jimin: Good morning sunshine

I chuckled rolling my eyes. I at him before huffing and falling back to his chest. last i remembered me and yoongi got dressed after our shower and went down stairs to collect jimin who was moping at the counter.

We brought him back to his room and cuddled him all night. He was definitely in better spirits.

I mushed my face into his neck as his hands ran down my back

Me: Where's yoongi

Jimin: He said he wanted to grab some coffee from the kitchen.

I sighed squeezing his sides causing him to squirm a bit.

Jimin: Are you excited for the tour.

He wiggled his brows at me

Me: yes I'm most excited about performing in cool outfits on many different stages.. you?

Jimin: I'm most excited about doing you and yoongi in different cities

i gasped as he began laughing and before i could respond the room door swung open. We both jumped looking over at yoongi who seemed to be out of breath. 

Waving his phone in his hand he ran his hand thru his hair. 

Yoogni: Guys.... we have a problem.

I sat in the meeting room with Both group managers... The CEO was on his way. I was the only one aloud to be in here at the time. They wouldn't let any of BTS or any of my tyt girls the room.

Manager Kim: J....this is very serious... If something is going on that is in anyway making you uncomfortable we need to be made aware. You're group project has already been released. Push comes to shove we could just cancel the tour for the project and leave it here. 

I shook my head as the boys manager started talking

Manager Min: Mr. Kim is correct. while we were aware that both groups were intimate we thought it was all consensual and while it was hidden from the public. This accusation is very serious and could cause speculation to go from not just the people involved but the rest of both groups as well.

I leaned forward rubbing my temples.

Everything was just a big misunderstanding. And it was all Jamal's fault. Apparently later that night after the altercation with our group at the album release celebration. He looked himself inside of a storage closet and went live. STILL drunk might i add. Spewing nonsense and made several false allegations. 

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