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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥

Jimin leaned into Yoongi's shoulder as he ate his ramen. Him and yoongi were in one of the many breakrooms of the company building. A week had went by so far and living with the girls seemed to  be okay. Plus they'd done a good job keeping their relationship under wraps. 

well and OK job that is. Namjoon warned the two  about being too affectionate around the house because they didn't know how the girls would take it. While yoongi didn't care how others viewed them. he did know that if it made the girls uncomfortable it could be a conflict that resulted in termination of the CEO's plans for the company. Jimin didn't want to be looked at differently and would have to get used to not being able to be close to his lover behind closed doors like he was used to back home.

the two opted out of eating in the huge cafeteria with the others because they didn't want to be bothered and would rather spend time alone now while they could. Yoongi stared over a mini map of the building he'd gotten from the front desk

Yoongi: ASHHH... I still don't understand how to read this...

jimin hummed slurping more noodles as he leaned more into his boyfriends chest looking down at the paper as well. he too was not familiar with the building and didn't know how to be of help. Even though the map was copied in Korean for them the building itself was very difficult for them to navigate so it didn't help.

they heard the door open to the break room and their head popped up... Only to meet the eyes of J.

she shared them a quick glance before marching over to the counter to help herself to some things. Unknown to them she came here often because not many other people did. she always worked through lunch because she was dieting and knew if she sat with the other girls during lunch they'd be upset with her and force her to eat. so sometimes she stopped by this specific breakroom because they always had her favorite snacks stocked up. This was the 3rd time they'd crossed paths with her here.

she paid them no mind while fixing her something small to eat. Yoongi went back to the map but jimin examined her head to toe.

he couldn't get a read on her..it was true she caught them on multiple occasions around the house but she hadn't mentioned anything.

Even the first night Jimin grew worried of their awkward moment in the hall and forced Yoongi to join him in following her downstairs and spying on her.. just to see if she'd tell the other girls or give any hints away of what she saw. But he was shocked to see she lied to Nia about seeing them at all.

She didn't speak much but was well respected by her group and reminded him of namjoon... although she was the leader she rarely ever really put herself in positions of power. Namjoon was always on guard and like J. had the best interest of the group. Namjoon was known for being 10 steps ahead... and he could only imagine it was the same for J. but she led a bit differently. 

It was like she led from behind the scenes. She often times let the group run itself and didn't really speak on many things unless she felt like she really needed to. He also noticed how much she took care of the girls especially Tessa and deja they reminded him of Tae and Jk in many ways and J. handled them very well.

J. was very attractive to Jimin and had a aura about her he could not explain. his eyes traveled her body again before the door to the breakroom opened once more.

this time one of the front desk receptionist walked in. Jimin frowned at that. She was the same one who kept showing up around BTS all day... trying to do pointless task and it bothered Jimin slightly. he felt as if she was on the back of their necks the entire day. 

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