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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. ♥

in walked a hefty man with a few people behind him. He had glasses and honestly seemed like the type of person that would sit and listen to you talk about our day while completing a puzzle.

Manager Kim stood up and bowed to him secretly reaching down and pinching my leg giving me the side eye.

i knew that meant follow in his foot steps. I looked over at the girls before standing up and bowing like Kim.. i could hear the girls chairs pushing against the floor as they did the same.

"Thank you for your warm welcome... you all can be seated"

at the sound of the voice we all took our seats.

"I'm here today because after a lot of thought we've decided to come up with a promotion strategy that will help us company wide. As you know I've founded this company and it all started with our most popular group. BTS. but over the years we've noticed the rise in your group specifically coming in at a close second. But we'd like to increase your exposure as well as promote the company"

he paused looking around the room.

"So we've decided to put a promotion plan into effect. the Pak plan if you will. Your groups fifth anniversary is coming up as well as BTS's seventh anniversary. We plan to promote them both together as well as celebrate them along side the promotion. You both will be releasing Anniversary mini albums and their will be a joint tour. "

i heard Tessa gasp and i gave Deja the side eye. who nudged tessa into quieting down

"That isn't all. You all will be living and working closely together for the next year. After the joint tour there will be a joint album... we will base the success of this plan on the sales of both the mini albums and joint albums. If all goes will there will be a second tour and we will continue to pair and promote groups occasionally in the future for better reach and revenue. This will also help our audition numbers go up and hopefully expand the company with a few new groups"

"Are there any questions?"

I looked over the group... Tessa was slightly bouncing in her chair as Deja watched her. Akira looked pretty bored. Mocha eyed everyone around the room. she was really good with reading body langue and had an observant eye. Nia had a slight frown on her face and looked my way. I gave her a look and she nodded.

oh... i see she's concerned.

She squeezed mocha's wrist who leaned over and whispered in my ear.. i nodded my head while listening before facing forward and speaking to the CEO.

Me: actually. there only one concern..... If you believe this Plan will work and help HYBE reach many heights down the road we have no problem participating. However... you mentioned living together.... Is there a reason why?

he nodded.

" Well during this time together Hybe will be producing weekly videos.. Youtube videos every Saturday. A new segment we will be calling "Pak Adventures". In this series you'll be doing random things together as one big group. This could be mini golf, Lazor tag, fishing trivia games? Anything really. Baking contest you name it. The filming process will happen throughout the week and will be edited and posted on Saturdays. Since your schedules for the next year and a half will be closely related and revolve around each other... it's better that you leave together. Will this be a problem?"

Me: Only if you're considering moving us to Korea. We are a group of 5 black women and although we've broken barriers and have a large fandom in south korea. we'd like to not have to worry about being treated differently and given the lessor end of any situation due to our skin. We know you value us and a lot of your workers have proven to do so as well. However you cannot guarantee that every worker under your watch has the same views and values as you. we don't want to be treated differently behind closed doors with people who whole power over my head. How will we be able to complete our day to day task without someone making it difficult for us out of spite and hate?

He nodded before looking over at Manager Kim smiling

"Oh... i see now what you mean. she has a very good head over her shoulders and speaks wisely."

he looked back over at me and all the other girls

"I can assure you that was thought out and we considered every option. We've agreed on moving the boys here for the next year or so. they've also agreed to these terms and we'll be meeting them shortly to discuss all the arrangements. we want to make this journey easy for all parties involved."

i nodded and he smiled.

"I was made aware that you all rent our small lofts or condos close by. We can buy out the rest of your contracts or you can keep them and continue to pay on them.. either way.. you'll need to start moving your things to the new location immediately as you'll get busy very soon. I've given the location to our manager. Have a big lunch and we'll meet up there for further details and instructions"

with that he smiled and left the room along with the rest of his workers.

soon as the door closed tessa squealed....


Manager kim laughed at her while checking his phone.

Nia: calm down Tessa you don't want to scare them off

Deja nodded pulling tessa back into her seat.

Akira: Okay so how long do we have until we need to meet up with them?

Manager Kim: About an hour. You all should go to your places and pack up a few essential items and a decent amount of clothing for starters.. then make a list of things you want moved before the end of this week. Also let me know if you want to break the lease or keep our personal places. I'll have food delivered to each of your places. it should be there by the time you arrive.

he said while talking on his phone and walking out.... all the girls nodded nd began packing their things.

Nia: J. can I catch a ride with you since we are in the same building.?

Akira: I still don't see why you uber everywhere J. just buy a car already.

Deja: Me and tessa plan on buying matching cars next month... just do what we do and use a company car.

i shrugged...

Me: we travel so much hand I'm very picky. Not sure which one i want to settle with yet. I'll decide soon.

we all left and I paid for an uber to take me and Nia to our cribs.

Nia: Are you excited? How do you think this will go. Do you think they'll be nice?

Me: I honestly have no clue. My head is also so wrapped around our music that I've never rally taken the time to check them out.

Nia: Yeah I've listened to a lot of their music since Tessa sent me a playlist she made. she also keeps asking me who my bias is

she said laughing

i shook my head as a uber arrived

Me: Yea will thats Tessa for you. 

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