Chapter one

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(y/n) sat quietly outside reading by the large oak tree by her house. She hadn't often been outside the past two months since returning from Hogwarts but her mother locked up her room to stop (y/n) from hiding away.
She had to admit the warm summer breeze was lovely but every time she started feeling good about herself the thoughts of Cedric came flooding back.

She felt guilty for enjoying life when she could have saved him.

"(y/n) It's time to make dinner!" Her mother called and (y/n) took her time getting back inside. The house was dimly lit as it always was just between nightfall and dusk. Only she and her mother were in the house before anyone else got home.
"Right you make the food I'll set the table." Only a small nod came from (y/n) before she raised her wand. Floods of foods came springing to life from draws to the fresh spinach that flew in from outside. A perfect spanakopita, mashed potato and vegetable bowl placed themselves on the table. "Lovely oh Davis." A crack came from behind her. Davis and Poppy stood in the living room smiling widely.

"Hello smells amazing in here." Poppy came up giving (y/n) a soft hug. "How are you doing today." Her whisper made (y/n) give a sad smile.

"Alright." Poppy nodded handing over a new book for her to read and (y/n) smiled just a little more brightly. "Thanks Poppy." Poppy out of everyone else was the most caring since the end of last term her mother although patient at first grew tired of (y/n)'s seclusion when after all this time she refused to speak about it. Even after the day, her mother explained the secret scandal between her grandmother after a huge fight with her grandfather. Which was how her mother was born and how (y/n) has this gift.

"I knew something happened that day on the train. It's the same thing that happened to my mother's ex-lover." But (y/n) didn't want to speak much about her gift. Even asked no one to speak about it but of course, her parents went about telling the whole family when she thought (y/n) wasn't listening.

Although with this she hadn't spoken much to her friends other than when Samantha came around begging (y/n) to help her start brewing Felix falisis which they could share. (y/n) did agree and it was one of the best days of her summer. The cauldron was still in the shed out of sight only needing to be looked at every few days. Perhaps Samantha thought if (y/n) had the perfect day everything would be alright. Until she found out from (y/n) that it takes six months to brew.

"(y/n)." Her father waved his hand in front of her face and her eyes shot up to look at him. "I was saying I saw your report card all outstanding as always." It came earlier today just after lunch (y/n) did feel somewhat relieved about her getting top marks but the mood as always died down quickly.

"Doing better than I did as always." Davis who sat to her right said while elbowing her forearm.

"Davis you did plenty well you're doing fabulous at the ministry. Oh is that the time. We best be off." (y/n)'s mother stood patting down her dress before with a flick of her wand all the dishes began putting themselves into the sink to be cleaned.
"We'll be back late so you better be in bed (y/n). Poppy Davis watch her alright." And they were gone. That was the third time this month they left without mentioning where they were going.

"What exactly are they doing?" Davis coughed on his water and (y/n) arched an eyebrow.

"Are you really this clumsy today." Poppy laughed tabbing at the water spilt on his shirt. Davis never answered her question so (y/n) stood with a sigh.

"I'm going to have a shower." And she left the room and up the stairs feeling the pair watching her.

When finishing her shower (y/n) realised the lock on her door wouldn't open until eight that night. As it always did so she went instead into the music room where she had to keep the door open because of the heat and started playing. At first it was just the piano but then she started singing quietly to herself making other instruments throughout the room float in the air playing by themselves. All her stresses began to fade. Enough to smile to herself for the few minutes the song went for and as her piano playing slowed to a stop so did the instruments.

"I've always loved that song. Heard it all before right." (y/n) nodded turning in her piano chair and Poppy sat down.

"They went to a meeting with Dumbledore and McGonigal about your ability. They want to keep it quiet so haven't told anyone else at the school." That's one of the things she could have guessed but it still left the question of where they went the other two times.

"And the other times?" Poppy gave a smile but shook her head.

"Now that I'm not allowed to say. You might be able to go at the next one after tonight." (y/n) frowned at Poppy and she giggled at her. There was a creak by the door.

"I thought I said not to mention it." Davis arched an eyebrow at his wife who grinned.

"Oh please, she has a right to know. It's just about school." Waving him off she gave him a look. Davis sighed.

"I'll be downstairs making us some tea." And Davis walked off. Poppy's face went back to a bright smile. The first time after she knew what happened she still kept her warm appearance to keep (y/n) in lighter spirits.

"Have you heard from the Weasley boys?" She whispered still listening out as Davis's footsteps were further down the stairs. (y/n) had lyed previously saying they hadn't mailed her but the next day Poppy caught her reading a letter from Fred.

"Not since the last letter." which was almost a week ago now. Maybe they stopped because (y/n) never replied to them.

"That's because you're not replying." Her arms crossed a hint of anger across her face.

"They'll blame me if finding out. So best I stay away." Poppy let out a gasp a hand coming to rest on (y/n)'s shoulder.

"No one blames you." (y/n) stood quickly pulling herself out of reach and appariting out of the room and into the shed to check on the potion. It was still the perfect shade of yellow it needed to be. Double checking the recipe (y/n) added in the asswinder eggs making golden fish swim above the surface. Mixing the cauldron twice left then once right it shone brightly for a moment before settling down into a simmer like before. That's exactly what she was hoping for. A moment passed before the shed door opened and Davis stood there with a mug of tea.

"You gave Poppy a fright. She thought you went wandering off." (y/n) sighed taking the cup not looking into his eyes.

"Sorry I'll uh play whatever card game you're playing." Davis grinned arm going over her shoulder.

"Now isn't that generous sis. It'll be so much more fun with three people." Davis was the only person to not mention anything. From the visions, she's had of fred and George. All he wanted was to (y/n) to get back to normal. At least that's why she thinks he hasn't mentioned anything.

After a few card games (y/n) decided to head off to bed. Davis and Poppy got up to leave both giving her a hug. Finally having her room again (y/n) slumped down and went to do the same thing she'd done every night since getting home.

Opening her bedside draw a handful of letters were in her hand. From Fred and George. Starting from the first one she began reading.

" (y/n) Where did you head off to? Samantha said you left early for a family thing but Galicia said you were sick is everything alright?

We saw you rush off after the end of the tournament but couldn't find you in the castle.

Please write back soon."

"We've been forced to clean out a house for a friend over the break I've never seen a house so grimy. Mums stopped us from practising our new inventions but that doesn't stop us from sneaking about.

You getting up to much?"

"God I miss you so much oh and George as well are you getting these letters or maybe we aren't getting yours?
Did you want to meet up before school starts? Mum might not let us out but we will need school books."

Letter after letter she read none were ever that long but each we're a joy to read every time. They would often talk about the trouble they were making at home or asking if she was getting the letters. She wanted to throw them out and pretend nothing happened between them but she couldn't maybe once they knew Fred and George would run off hating her enough to forget themselves.

When hearing a thud downstairs (y/n) put the letters back into her draw and switched off the light pretending to be asleep while her mother creeked open the door to double-check she was there.

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