Memories (End)

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A/N so,,, final chapter. I just want to write a message to all you readers really quick. This story was so much fun writing! Punk!Phil and Pastel!Dan are my favourite phanfics so I really wanted to write my own! Then this story was born. In about 2 weeks this story was more popular than my other fan fiction (Fuenciado) (which is over a year old) by miles! In roughly a month this story hit 5k reads and now just under two months after starting this story it has 8k reads! That's insane guys! Thank you so much! I'm so proud of this story and the reason I'm ending it is because I feel like if I did continue it, it'd get really boring and drag on so if I end it now the whole story will be pretty good. I am sad to end this story but the amazing response I got was more than I could have ever imagined and you've honestly made me so much happier and more confident. I am writing a new phan fic which also features Punk!Phil and Pastel!Dan. It's called Currents Convulsive (named after my favourite song and loosely based on some aspects of the song). Also funny side note, on Friday we're doing an English assessment in school and my teacher said we are writing a story... about anything! Guess which non-binary merperson is going to write a phanfic... ME! Anyway now that I've rambled, here is the final chapter...

White. White tables, white chairs, white curtains.

Pastel. Pastel Flowers, pastel ribbons, pastel dressed boy.

Black. Black tuxedos, black place mats, black dressed boy.

Shimmering fairy lights line the curtains and drapes circling the ceiling of the grand hall.

"Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in between! It is my pleasure to introduce to you for the first time: Mr. Phil Lester and Mr. Dan Lester! Watery-eyed, a small crowd of the couples friends and family rip into a loud applause. Two boys emerged from the white doorway lined with white and black lace and small bunches of plastic pastel flowers.

Proudly, the newly married couple stand with there hands clasped together. Dan was wearing a standard black tux with a pale blue tie and a lilac and white flower crown. Phils tux had a red plaid tie and his sleeves rolled up revealing his tattoos. After being boyfriends for over 3 years Phil decided to propose to Dan on a trip to Japan with their friends Mimei and Duncan.

Lovingly, the couple kissed as the applause begins to die down.

"Time to party" Phil whispers to Dan as the guests all move to the dance floor. Swiftly, Phil bites Dan's neck and he moans quietly. Phil giggles and pulls his husband too the dance floor with him.


As the night begins to end, Dan and Phil walk up into their hotel room. Their honey moon is the next day so they're staying in a hotel. They climb into the king size bed together and passionately kiss. Both of them completely naked. Phil bites Dan's neck again and the boy moans loudly...


"That's what I married you for..." Phil pants as they cuddle up and go to sleep...


As the next day arrives the couple fly off to New York for their honeymoon for a week of love and romance...


Phil's P.O.V.

"...and that kids is how me and your dad met." I announce as my three Children Ryan Sara and Dede sit around me smiling. They wanted to know how we met so, I explained... leaving out the drama and sex of course. Ryan, 14, was in tears smiling at me.

"That's so cute Bub!" he exclaims. Bub is a nickname I picked up when Ryan was young and was learning to talk. Sara, 12, was telling me she loves my stories while she has her nose in a Japanese textbook. Dede, 10, was asking me if it was ok if she could have a cookie. That's basically our family life.

"Phil story times over we have to have dinner now!" my gorgeous husband yells from the kitchen. All the kids dash in to the dining room followed me. I pulled my husband into me and kissed him. Childishly, our kids made noises and laughed.

Life's been a struggle for me and Dan but now life is great, perfect.

We're finally happy with our little family...

A/N once again tysm for reading ilysm. goodbye..

I'm crying omg. I love you all so much thank you for being so incredible...

and then people change;phanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat