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A/N Hai! Sorry for all the authors notes and questions recently I don't know wether I should delete those or not... Anyway, the next chapter ☺️

Dans P.O.V.

"Oh wait... sorry was that uh I mean I like sorry you don't even you know..." I spat out. I wasn't making any sense I just couldn't get the right words out to show the mixture of emotions I was feeling.

"Dan..." Phil said. He smiled at me then looked down giggling. his smile just filled me with butterflies. We were facing each other on brown wooden chairs with a black cushion. He put his hand on my knee and looked at me with his gorgeous eyes. His face is just so unique and beautiful. His skin is pale, his eyes resembling a Caribbean Sea and his hair jet black.

"Y-yes..." I said shakily. I gave a weak smile as embarrassment flushed my cheeks red.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do that..." The fear that had recently filled us was flushed away with excitement and happiness. I smile at him. He smiles back at me and his tongue fiddles with his snake bites.

He gently places his pale and tattooed hand on my cheek and leans towards me. He pulls back slightly and smiles.

"Stop being a tease" I say as I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him forward. Our lips collided.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by my dumb Fall Out Boy ringtone.

"FOR FUCK SAKE!" I yell sarcastically as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

' Gay Trash' Is calling. Oh yeah Peej decided to change loads of contact in my phone. To be honesty that was accurate for Chris. I accept the call and press it against my ear.

"ay up!" I yell mimicking his strong Yorkshire accent. Even though we're both from Yorkshire I don't have a strong accent like him. Peej and Phil both moved up here from London.

"Dan..." I hear a whisper and my heart sinks. My smile fades.

"What's up Chris... What's going on..." I choke out.

"It's G-Gabe. He's at the bakery... He's looking f-for you and... You and Phil" he whispers "I'm in the bathroom I heard him come in from here, Pj is at the desk trying to calm him down but it's not gonna work for long. Tell Phil to stay in his shop so if anything physical happens he can call the police"

For gods sake. I can honestly say I've never been so terrified.

"I'll be there in 30 seconds. It'll be fine Chris" I say trying to sound confident.

"Love you bro" he whispers

"Love you too bye" I say.

I put my phone in my pocket and stand up. Phil stands up and looks at me with worry.

"Gabe's at the bakery. He's looking for us and I need to go down. We need you to stay here. If you see any physical violence call the police. everything will be fine we just need to get him to leave us alone" I peck his cheek to try and calm his nerves.

"Oh... Ok. Stay save love. Good luck..." He looked down. After a few seconds of hesitation he hugged me and I squeezed him reassuringly.

"Go.. you need to go" he said. I nodded and ran across the street to the shop. I burst into the shop to see Gabe standing at one side of the desk and my two friends standing at the other side.

Gabe turned himself around and my stomach dropped. He looked me up and down and approached me. He laughed menacingly and looked back at the couple at the counter.

"All of you sicken me...." He points at my friends "you two are just... Faggots. Disgusting. I can't wait for you to burn in hell"

"We'll see you there then!" Chris yells. Gabe swiftly moves towards them, grabbin Chris' shirt and lifting a fist.

"Shut the fuck up you disgusting homo. don't get fucking smart with me" he lets go and turns around. Pj quickly kisses Chris' cheek too comfort him. Chris isn't the type to be threatened and i don't think this time is any different.

"And you Lucy. You're still being a fucking tranny eh?" He slowly approaches me as I stumble backwards into the glass door of the bakery. He grabs my jumper and leans close to my face. Pj and Chris run up behind him but he puts an arm up to stop them.

"And you think it's okay to cheat on me?" I spits into my face whilst speaking.

"We aren't together anymore Gabe! I broke up with you like 3 years ago! You know why? Because I'm not called Lucy. I'm Dan and for some reason your small ignorant mind can't understand that. I am a man! Not your girlfriend, your EX BOYFRIEND!" I yell.

"You make me sick! You're still my girlfriend you aren't allowed to leave me! You belong to me, not some gay faggot who wants to look tough!" He puts his hand on my stomach and slowly moves his hand downwards. I manage to stand on his foot and run over to my friends.

"I don't belong to anyone. Not you, not Phil, not any body. Because I am a human being not a pet" I see police cars pulling up outside Phil's shop. Nice one Phil. Gabe crawls up from the floor and limos towards us.

"You little bitch!" He yells with gritted teeth. as he makes his way towards us he raises a fist.

Luckily, at that moment 2 police officers walk into the bakery and grip Gabe's wrists.

"Sir you're going to need come with us" one of them say as they pull him out of the shop. Phil walks in after and the for of us hug.

"You guys okay?" Phil says

"Yep" we all echo.

"You okay Philly?" I ask smiling.

"I'm fine!"

"Look at us! The fantastic foursome" Pj says and we all laugh and smile at each other.

A/N hai! I think this is the longest chapter I've done so far so yaayya 🌸 anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! SHIT. WENT. DOWN. 😂 bye aliens 👽

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