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Phil's P.O.V

Day 1 of "Tic Tats", my tattoo and piercing shop! I'm only 24 years old and I've completed my life goal. I've done it. I feel so mature and shit! My shop is in on a long street lined with other small business in Yorkshire.

My life has changed so much recently! I got my qualifications, came out to my family, moved to Yorkshire because my parents kicked me out, bought a flat, opened my own business and I've never been happier! Yeah, I'm gay. My brother and I are still as close as ever but my parents kicked me out because "they don't support the gay lifestyle and don't want a sinner in the house". It's fine I'm old enough to not give a shit and move out.

Since this is our first day open I decide to close for 15 minutes to have lunch. Luckily, there's this cute little cafe directly across the street where I could get something. I feel really awkward walking in because there's cakes, flowers, pastel colours and just general cuteness and I'm here with sleeves, gages and snake bites. Oh well.

I walk in and it smells fricking delicious! There's 3 older women sat at a table drinking coffee and starting at me. Great. I look up at the chalkboard menu behind the counter. I'll probably get a cappuccino.

A guy walks over to the counter and smiles at me. Holy shit he's cute. He has deep brown eyes and matching hair that's almost like my own! He is slightly taller than me and is wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a pastel purple hoodie over the top. His apron is Red with flowers and it's covered in flour and cake mix.

"Hey! Are you the guy who's just opened up the Tattoo parlour over the road?" He asks. His voice makes me Melt like the chocolate on some of the cakes.

"Yeah! I don't think I fit in such a cute cafe like this" I laugh and try not to get to nervous. He giggles.

"You know, when I was younger I wanted to look almost exactly like you but I don't think it'd suit me. I think you look awesome but I'm more feminine tbh" he said with a little twirl showing off his outfit.

"It's cute! I'm not as intimidating as I look believe it or not!" I say starting to get nervous.

"Are you from London?" He asks "I love your accent!" he giggles and lowers his head and its freaking adorable.

"Yeah! I love it here though! Oh, your accent is very cute I really want to steal it!"

"Thanks! So why did you start a business up here?" He asks and for once, someone looks genuinely interested in what I have to say.

I smile "Well... I told my parents I'm gay and they kicked me out but I love it here and I've never been happier!"

"Oh my gosh that's horrible! I'm glad you're okay though. My parents are ok with me being bisexual. I guess I'm lucky. I was bullied a lot at high school though..." He said looking down.

"Oh lord that horrible! We've both our fair share of shit then. My names Phil by the way"

"yeah" he giggles ugh. how. fricking. cute "I'm Dan!" He smiles.

"I love that name! I had a cat named Dan once". Me and Dan were both smiling and spent 5 seconds starting into each other's eyes.

"Oh! Um.. what did you want to order?" He says nervously.

"Can I have a large cappuccino please?" I say smiling awkwardly at the ground.

"Eat in or take out?" He asks. I look at my watch. SHIT! Me and Dan were talking for 15 minutes I have to get back.

"Ugh. I really wish I could stay and chat but I have to I back to the shop!" I sigh and he looks slightly upset. "how much is it?" I ask him.

"Oh it's fine. This is on me to welcome you! And because you're super cool" he says shyly without looking up from the coffee machine. He hands me the coffee and I smile at him.

"Thanks a lot!" I say whilst looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"My pleasure Phil. It was great meeting you!" He giggles and I see him blushing.

"I have to go but I really wanna talk to you again soon! You're like my first friend here! Anyway, thanks a lot. Um.. Bye Dan!" I say as I walk out the shop.

Holy shit. I think I just met the cutest guy ever. I could feel myself blushing as I sip my coffee. The cool Yorkshire air soon brings me back to a normal temperature. I walk back into my shop and sit at the reception and mess around on the computer.

Can this day get any better?

and then people change;phanWhere stories live. Discover now