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A/N Ugh I'm so emotional and I have a hopeless crush on a super cute and amazing girl that I literally have no chance with so yay writing bc emotions...

Dans P.O.V.

He walked out the door awkwardly clutching the coffee. I didn't stop staring at him and I think I was blushing because I snapped out of my trance to notice the three regular ladies (Alice, Daisy and Mavis) staring at me with a grin.

"Does our Danny boy have a crush?" Said Mavis with a huge smile covers with her pink lipstick. The three ladies come every other morning for coffee before going to bingo. They've become pretty good friends and they're very sweet.

"Oh. Um what no. Of course not" I say with a nervous cough as I try and clean my apron. The women looked at each other and giggled.

"If you want my advice, become friends with him and see where life takes you" says Alice with a wink. You know, that old lady wink with such a sweet and supportive charm that just warms your heart completely.

"You ladies wanting any more coffee?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"No thanks lovey. Bingos slightly earlier today so we're about to get off!" Said Daisy as they all stood up and put their loose belongings in their bright coloured shoulder bags. They walked up to the counter and we exchanged cheek kisses and they all left me a couple pounds as a tip.

The brightly clothed trio walked down and out of sight. My glance directed to Phil's shop directly across the road. 'Tic Tats'. I giggle at the name because it seemed very immature but sweet at the same time.

I could see Phil at the desk playing candy crush. He kept doodling on a notebook next to him, which is kinda normal for a Tattoo artist. 2 women walk into the shop and Phil greet them with a warm smile. One was covered in tattoos head to toe an wearing a shirt skirt and tank top. Whereas the other seemed to have no tattoos and was wearing a bright purple hoodie which was similar to mine and blue skinny jeans.

Phil ushered the women into the back room and I continued to wipe the flour stained worktops with a cloth. I close up the cafe as it was already 4pm!

I was on my own and all I could think about was the cute and awkward guy I just met. I can't believe Phil's parents kicked him out for being gay... That's horrible. he's such a sweet guy and his smile is so cute and his eyes are like the ocean and his pale skin makes his dark hair make him so much hotter and his...

I jumped up too see my two best friends and work colleges standing before me, their hands intertwined.

"hey Danny boy!" Said Chris with an awkward wink.

"Hey guys!" I said as I give them both hugs "how was the interview?" I ask as we all sit at the table in the staff room. Chris and PJ have been together for like 10 years and they're both only 23! They were at an adoption interview today hoping that they'll be eligible to adopt a child! How mature.

"Great!" PJ said as his green eyes gleamed with joy "everything went smoothly an the interview lady was very sweet and I think it went well!"

Chris had his arm round PJs waist and he pulled him closer into a kiss. They are so cute together! They always have been.

"Woah-Woah, get a room ladies!" I said childishly covering my eyes and giggling "Too much gay!"

"I'm so sorry I shall not sin again Sister Daniel!" Said Chris as he put his palms together and laughed. We sat at the table laughing for a couple hours before realising that it had gotten to 9pm. We exit the cafe and I lock the door.

"HEY DAN!!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I turn to see Phil locking up his shop and waving frantically at me. A smile crept into my face I waved back. I signalled for him to cross the street to me. He put his keys in his pocket and ran across the road to us.

"hey Phil! I wanted to introduce you to my friends Chris an PJ!" They both smiled and greeted him "they're gay so don't look at them too long the rainbows will blind you!" I say with a giggle.

His cute smile gave me butterflies...

and then people change;phanWhere stories live. Discover now