Seductive offer

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I punched Ava in her face. She fell on the ground and I kicked her in the stomach. Ava took an embryo pose to protect herself but it was not going to save her. The image of half dead Enid was fresh in my mind and that motivated me not to stop. I grabbed a pitchfork from the ground being eager to puncture Ava's head.
- No, no, no! - Xavier grabbed me and started taking away from Ava.
- Do you want to share her fate? - I asked threateningly.
- I don't want you to be in trouble, - Xavier tried to talk some sense into me. He held my wrist.

- Did you like my voodoo doll? - I heard Ava's irritating voice.
I overthrew Xavier using Kungfu and I came close to Ava:
- Your rubbish is not worth to be in my voodoo doll collection, - I grabbed her hair and whispered to her ear with calm cold pitch. - You can run and hide. But I will find you. And when I do, no painkillers will help you. The emphasis is on "kill", - the last word was pronounced louder than others. - I will gut you and leave your insides for ravens.
- That's enough of nice girly talks, - Xavier put his hand on my shoulder.
- What happened? - gasped Rosenberg when saw Ava on the ground. - Mister Thorpe, take Miss Addams away. Wednesday is restricted from leaving the campus by the moment I decide her fate.
- Do not touch me, - I said to Xavier, turned round and went away. I heard him following me.
In a couple of minutes we entered an empty classroom:
- What the hell are you thinking? - Xavier spoke louder than he should have.
- Right now I am elaborating a plan of murder. Guess whose.
- Are you sure that Ava is your stalker?
- Did not you hear her? She admitted that it was she who sent a voodoo doll. Ava's and stalker's photos were taken with the same camera. What is more, Goody pointed me the person who was my stalker. Ava's motive is also clear.
- What is her motive?
- You.
- Me?
- You said yourself that Ava wanted to kiss you. But she was not a person who you were interested in.
- Because it was you.

I turned away from Xavier.

- "Was"... Past Simple is a great grammar tense to describe what I am going to say now.
- What do you mean? - Xavier was bewildered. I still did not look at him.
- Once I said to you that I am not a person who dates someone.
Xavier's body tensed. He got the idea what I was talking about:
- You want to split up? But we just started!
- And you spoiled everything from very beginning. I asked you to leave all romantic stuff out of school but you did exactly this, - I turned around again. I wanted him to know how excruciatingly bad his deed was.
- Listen. The photo of you and Tyler almost kissing pissed me off, - Xavier came closer to me. He wanted to put his hand on my cheek but I stepped away.
- Things went too fast and intense. I do not like it and that does not work for me, - I continued.
- Let's try slower. We can have a second chance.
- I do not give second chances.

Xavier breathed heavily. He did not look at me. His eyes were directed to the floor. In a minute he said quietly:
- Wanna be alone, Wednesday? Be alone.

I felt weird after the conversation with Xavier. On the one hand I felt that the weight had lifted off my shoulders. Because I was not used to be in relationship. I was not used to tenderness. I was not used to demonstrate my feelings and I got the strong understanding that I did not like it. On the other hand I felt like I was stabbed in my dark soul what I did not expect at all. Xavier had a strange influence on me and the fact that probably we would not communicate with me made me feel unpleasantly bad. I distracted myself with ideas how to get back to Ava. It helped but time to time I was returning to Xavier. The thoughts about him like knives cut me from inside. But I was not going to show that to anyone because sooner or later I would snap out of these feelings. It would be for the better. I did not regret my decision. Feelings make weak. So that was better to brush them off.

It was midnight. I paced back and forth around the room. I was thinking of how to get back to Ava.

Suddenly Goody's book flew out from under my bad.
I got down to take it but:
- Wednesday, - I heard the voice in my head. That made me freeze.
- Get out of my head, - I ordered to Goody.
- Don't you want to punish Ava?
The presence of Goody's voice in my head was kooky but her words got me interested:
- What do you offer?
- Ava likes her golden hair. Do you mind to change her hairstyle?

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