Hyde, but he will find you

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I left my room to have lunch with Xavier. It was a weekend, so there were no classes for today. I went out to the yard texting Xavier to wait for me near the black tree. Suddenly I bumped into someone's back. This person turned around and I saw the face I was afraid to see again. Tyler was looking at me with his blue eyes full of... sorrow?

I recoiled. I put an effort to make my voice sound tough:
- What are you doing here?
- I am a new student in Nevermore. I am an outcast, just like you.
- You wanted to kill me. Why are not you in prison?
- All charges were acquitted. Thornhill was poisoning me with her plant chemicals. They unlocked The Hyde inside of me, and also those chemicals changed my perception of the reality. I barely understood what I was doing. By the end of the last semester I could hardly control myself...
- Do not you really think that I will believe you? - I interrupted this well-prepared speech.
- Wednesday, forgive me, - Tyler took a step forward. I stumbled back expecting that the Hyde will appear in front of me in a second. But instead of the monster I saw Xavier sprung up from nowhere:
- Leave her alone! - said Xavier and he shoved Tyler. The last one did not want to yield. Tyler pushed Xavier. There was going to be a fight. For me.
- No, - I said, but boys did not listen. I saw how Tyler hit Xavier in the face. Probably he was going to have a tremendous bruise on his left eye. However, Xavier did not hesitate and I am pretty sure that I heard the sound of breaking of Tyler's nasal bone.
- I said STOP! - no reaction. Boys did not listen to me. Then I wedged between them holding my arms on chests of those two.

Suddenly I got the vision.

I saw a dark foggy wood. I could feel a strong cold and my body got frozen as just as dead bodies stiffen. I was making my way through the thickets to meet someone. In a moment the picture changed and I saw Tyler and me already talking. However, there was the third figure just behind my back. It was just a transparent silhouette, but I knew this is a person who is not my friend. And then the vision ended.

- Hey, - I saw Xavier whose knees I was lying on. - Are you OK?
- Yes, - I answered shortly.
- I don't think so, - Tyler was still here. - You are bleeding.
I touched my nose and I saw blood on my hand. That has never happened before. I made an attempt to stand up but fell. Xavier caught me and since then I remember nothing.
I opened my eyes in hospital. Xavier and Enid were near my bed waiting until I wake up.
- Oh my God, Wednesday. You are alive, - Enid hugged me. I did not feel happy about it, but let her do that.
- It is not so easy to make me dead if you had not noticed yet.
I saw Xavier smiling. He held a bag with ice near his eye.
- How are you feeling? - he asked.
- Not worse than you. I lost conciseness after my vision, did not I?
- Yes, and your nose was bleeding. And your eyes were rolled. That was VERY VERY weird, - added Enid. I knew she was right, but I had no idea why that happened. - You know what else is weird?
- What? - asked Xavier. - That Tyler is a student in Nevermore now? That's f*cking weird.
- No, - Enid looked at me with guilt. - Sorry, Wednesday. I need to tell someone about last night when you almost killed me.
- WHAT? - Xavier who was sitting on the chair before jumped out of it.
- Wednesday had a nightmare about Tyler. In her dream she was killing him, but in reality she was killing me.
- So she behaved as a sleepwalker? - clarified Xavier.
- Yep, - confirmed Enid. - Wednesday did that unintentionally, but maybe we need to tell this to our new principle, miss Rosenberg?
- Do this and I will try to kill you intentionally, - answered I. Enid lowered her eyes. - This time I will succeed.
- It's all about Tyler, - summed up Xavier. - I am quite sure that these strange things are not a coincidence.
- Hundy... - said Enid with concern in voice. Suddenly her phone rang. - Sorry, that's Ajax. I"ll be back in a bit, - Enid left the room.
- Don't worry, Wednesday. This weird stuff happened because Tyler appeared in Nevermore, - said Xavier.
- No, - I interrupted Xavier. His eyebrows raised with surprise. - Weird things started BEFORE Tyler came to school, - I said quietly because got the feeling that someone could hear us.
- What do you mean? - Xavier sat on my bad leaning to my face to hear me better.
- Since the last semester finished, I not only see strange dreams, but also I can do weird things.
- Like what?
- Sometimes I can do something I could not do before, like moving objects or setting fire with no matches. I never know when new power comes and I have to clue how to control it.
- How could that be possible? You are a seer. That is your power.
- I know. But even with my visions there is something wrong.

Xavier did not answer for a minute. Then he said such simple words:

- We will figure it out. Together.
On the word "together" I got goosebumps, but I could not confess even to myself that it was a pleasant thing to hear.
Xavier repeated: "Together." He leaned closer. He was so close to me that I could feel his breathing. I looked at him without blinking having held my breath. Xavier smiled and brushed the lock of my hair from my forehead. I breathed out. My heart pounded so strong.
- Oh! - Enid who just entered the room could not help but exclaim.
- I am feeling better now, - I said swiftly having no desire to speak about the scene Enid just saw and stood up out of bed.
- Are you sure? - asked Xavier.
- Yes, - I said and got out of the room leaving Xavier and Enid there. I felt still dizzy a little bit, but in general I was all right. What I was thinking of during all my way to the room is that I could barely explain myself my increased breathing after Xavier was so close to me. Having decided to get destructed from disturbing thoughts I continued writing the next chapter of my novel. The main character was about to become one step closer to find out who her stalker was. Suddenly I heard a rasping noise and turned my head towards the door. I saw a pile of photos on the floor. Someone just pushed them through the door crack. I opened the door, but the person had just vanished into thin air. I picked up the photos and saw Xavier and me in the hospital. That moment when Xavier's face was so close to mine. But how can it be possible if there was no one in the room with us? That was one more stalker's trick which awaited to be solved.

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