Nightmares in my reality

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I had a nightmare. I could see so many vivid colours around me. That made me want to vomit. I did not know what this place was.

There was nothing else except these stupid colours. I started running hoping to leave them behind, but the space seemed endless. In a bit I saw a black dot. It got bigger and bigger and finally it turned into a human. Or semi human. Because I did know that this person was a Hyde. Tyler wanted to grab me. To kill me. But now it did not work. Not him but I grabbed him. I felt anger and it gave me power. I was strong enough to choke him. Tyler was trying to combat me. But failed. I continued chocking him.

Tyler almost killed me once in real life and I am not a kind of a person who knows mercy.

Tyler was screaming, but the voice did not belong to him. The voice was female. I was being dragged from the dream. Then the sharp pain made me awake in a snap of a finger.

I opened my eyes and saw Enid's eyes full of fear. I realised that I was chocking not Tyler but Enid.

I released her and pulled away.
- Wednesday! - Enid wheezed. - Did you go crazy?

I leaned on a table and breathed deeply.

- I do not know, - I stared at the surface of my table breathing deeply.
- I am sorry that I scratched you, but I just didn't know what to do! - Enid's voice was still hoarse. - What a heck just happened?

I did not answer. I turned around and looked at the mirror. I saw a girl with two bedraggled braids. She was wearing a black pajama. The shirt was torn and on my pale skin I could see a wound which disappeared swiftly thanks to Goody's magic in me.

For a half an hour Enid and I did not talk at all. We needed time to recover and overthink everything that happened.

- I saw a dream. I was killing Tyler, - I broke the silence.
- OMG, then it was a realistic dream. Because you almost killed ME.
- I know, - I had no clue what else I could answer. Probably I had to apologise: - I am sorry, Enid.

It was the only case in my life when I apologised for an attempt to kill someone.

- Are you all right? - I asked.
- Yes. As much as it can be... You?
- Same.
- Let's start from very beginning. Tell me what is going on, - said Enid.
- I started having weird dreams straight after the end of the previous semester. But that is the first time when I was actually doing something while sleeping.

I didn't tell Enid one more thing: sometimes I could also do what I was not able to do before: like setting fire with no lighter or matches or moving objects with no touch. But the key thing was that I could not control it. Power came and disappeared. And I never knew which power and when would come next.

- I don't want to offend you, Wednesday, you are my bestie. But we need to tell anybody about this. You were so strong that even I, a werewolf, couldn't resist you.
- Did I scare you?
- Hmm, not at all, Wednesday. I am used to the situation that I am woken up in the middle of the night... - Enid did not finish the sentence because I interrupted her.
- When Ajax does it you like that.
- FOFF, Wednesday.

I looked at Enid, she was angry but in a satisfactory state of health. I did not kill her and at that moment that was the only thing I could really care.
- What does "FOFF" mean? - I asked.
- Ask Xavier who you text every free minute.

When I woke up next morning Enid had already gone. I reckon she was still angry at me for my joke at night, but I pretended that I did not care that I offended her. To get distracted I texted Xavier:
- FOFF. - my first message to Xavier for today.
- What did I do? - I got a reply straight away.
- Nothing. Yet. But I want to be aware what this abbreviation means.
- Fuck off
- Next morning you will wake up without fingers which typed this phrasal verb.
- Wednesday, "FOFF" means "to fuck off"
- Oh, OK.
- Wanna go to lunch together?
- Deal.
- Will it be a date?
- Your learning fast.
- IK.
I was pretty sure that Xavier was smiling now. As so was I. I just did not know what was expecting me this day.

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