Play by the rules

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I was waiting near miss Rosenberg's office. A blond girl just left the principal's room haven't forgotten to slam the door.

I was invited to the office:
- Miss Addams, welcome. Please, sit down, - I remained standing. Dark-haired woman kept smiling at me. I did not like her forced smile. She was almost as tall as principle Weems. But the style of her clothes was much worse that Larissa's. Lily Rosenberg had no taste. Her yellow jacket and red striped trousers looked awful.

There was a pile of books on Lily's table. Such a mess. Red velvet book caught my attention, but I was quickly distracted:

- I wanted to talk to you about mister Galpin, - all my muscles tensed. I raised my chin showing that I am ready to get my sentence with dignity.
- So I will go to pack up my belongings, - said I calmly.
- What are you talking about? - miss Rosenberg. - I invited you to come to my office because wanted to ask to look after mister Galpin. He has difficult times now. He sees a psychiatrist once a week.
- You should try the same, - I said.
- Pardon? - miss Rosenberg raised her eyebrow.
- Are you aware of the events that happened last semester? Tyler is guilty in death of the previous principal, and not only her.
- Mister Galpin has a difficult story. Miss Thornhill gave him a very powerful chemical that suppresses person's will. It was proved by medical analysis that the chemical WAS present in Tyler's blood, so he almost could not control his actions.
- "Almost" is a key word here. Why did you choose me?
- Miss Addams, I was told that you are a the least judgmental person in Nevermore, especially if the topic of death is involved.
I did not answer, so she continued:
- I would like you to accompany mister Galpin during classes.
- I do not remember when I applied for a job of a killersitter.
- I will be honest with you, - miss Rosenberg stood up and came to me, - I am worried about Tyler. Yesterday he had an unsuccessful turn into the hyde. As a result, he has two twisted arms, - I held my breath. - Mister Galpin takes special medication that restrains him from turning, but yesterday he forgot to take it. Or he just says that he forgot to take it. I need your help, Wednesday, to take a look at him. In other case, he can harm himself and others.
- And what if I refuse?
- In this case I will have to recall all your missteps made during the last semester. I need to remind you that I am not so forgiving as Larissa was. I reckon it will be difficult to find for you a school similar to Nevermore.
- In other words, I will be expelled, - I concluded. Lily gave me a light nod. - How long will this torture last?
- Let's take a month, and then we will see.
I turned around and left the office having slammed the door.  I had to talk to Tyler.

I found the room where Tyler was being treated. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, gave him medication and left:
- You lied, - I said.
- When? - Tyler was conscious and looked better than I expected.
- You lied to Rosenberg that you forgot to take your Hyde medication.
- I did lie.
- Why?
- I wanted to protect you.
- Even after I twisted both of your arms?
- You didn't want that.
- How do you know?
- I just feel it, - said Tyler looking at my eyes.
- Arms do not look broken. There is even no cast put on.
- I am tougher than you think, - answered Tyler. I swallowed. I have already heard this phrase from Tyler once. - I am the Hyde. My organism recovers much quicker comparing to any other outcast. I even don't feel much pain.
- What a pity.
- Sorry?
- It is a pity that you do not feel much pain. You deserve it, - not only Tyler was tough.
- Anything else? - now I could see pain in Galpin's eyes and I did enjoy it.
- Yes. I am not sorry for what happened to you yesterday. I have no compassion to you. But I am sorry that I ran away and nobody found out what really happened to you.
- You are forgiven, - Tyler's voice was as cold as ice.
- See you in the class, - I left Tyler in the room alone.
Whether I want to or not, I will keep an eye on Tyler. He is not a person who can be trusted. I will play by the rules. This time. I will do the task Rosenberg asked me to accomplish.

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