golden globes

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you clutched onto your long dress, lifting it slightly as you climbed up the few stairs of the golden globes red carpet. the area was filled with people; staff and celebrities, some you knew, others, you didn't. the clicking of the paparazzi you had just moved past on the carpet was still in earshot and the abundance of cameras everywhere was not helping your nerves. being a shy person who caught a big break and had your life flipped upside down almost overnight, you were left with no time to adjust.

one of the staff began to guide you to the two interviewers who were currently standing alone. you collected yourself and took a deep breath as you walked towards them. you noticed the woman signaling to the cameras. you smiled widely as they greeted you. once past formalities and compliments, they moved to ask you questions about the movie that had gotten you nominated for best actress in a drama motion picture.

finally, the brief interview was reaching its end and they asked their last question.

"is there any celebrity you're hoping to meet while you're here?" the woman asked.

"umm," you began, giggling a little as you thought.

"maybe natasha lyonne. i love but i'm a cheerleader. it's one of my favourites, and orange is the new black," you continued, "and also, i feel like this is really basic, but austin butler. i mean elvis was just, incredible. i really admire his dedication to his role and just how much effort he put into making that movie."

"i agree completely. good luck," the man concluded.

you gave them both a short hug before walking off and waiting for another member of the staff to guide you into the actual room. you checked in and were given your table and seat number on a paper. you began to walk between the busy tables in search of your own. your head swivelled from side to side as you looked at the placeholders, when suddenly, you crashed into a tall figure in front of you. you immediately stepped back and before he could even turn around, you were apologizing, your cheeks heating up.

"i'm so sorry," you said, wide-eyed.

"it's all good," the man, you now recognized as the austin butler, said.

your jaw dropped slightly as you stared. as if crashing into some stranger at your first golden globes wasn't embarrassing enough, it just had to be him. not only did you love elvis, but you'd begun to harbour a small crush on the man. yes, you'd said you'd wanted to meet him in your interview, but did you totally mean it? no. especially not this way. you realized that you were staring when a smile began to tug at austin's lips and he tipped his head forward slightly, waiting for you to speak again.

"i'm really really sorry," you began.

"i was just looking for my seat and i wasn't looking where i was going. this is my first time here, not that i didn't make that obvious enough by crashing into you like an idiot and all," you rambled, not able to meet his eyes.

"it's okay, really," he laughed, "here, let me help you find your seat."

he moved to stand next to you as you pulled your paper out. his entire left arm was pressed against yours and he held one side of the tiny paper, you holding the other. he leaned down as well, his head now near yours as he examined the paper, squinting slightly.

"you're in luck," he said, "i'm sitting at the same table."

he smiled at you and you smiled back weakly, trying to hide the fact that you felt like you were going to melt out of embarrassment. you followed him as he walked between the tables until slowing down.

"i think our table is right... here," he said, coming to a stop.

he pulled your chair out from under for you and signalled for you to sit. you did just that and he proceeded to push your chair in before he took his own seat, right by your side.

"thank you," you said, turning towards him.

"no problem," he responded.

"i'm y/n, by the way," you said.

"yeah, uh, i know," he said laughing nervously, his cheeks taking on a pink tint.

"i watched your movie, it was amazing. you were incredible," he continued, the compliment making that familiar heat rise to your cheeks yet again.

"thank you," you said shyly, "i watched elvis, too."

"did you enjoy it?" he asked expectingly.

"yes! oh my god, yes. i mean, i was always a fan of his music and the movie just made it better. not to mention, you were amazing," you said.

"thank you," austin said, his voice deep and thick with a hint of elvis's accent still remaining.

jerrod carmichael, the host for the evening, called everyone's attention to announce that the awards ceremony would be starting in five minutes.

"i haven't met that many people nowadays that were fans of elvis before the movie," austin spoke again after the brief interruption.

"i love his music. i have a bunch of his vinyls. i don't really care how many times i have his songs repeated on different albums, i always buy them," you said.

"you collect records?" he asked, intrigued, to which you nodded.

"so i'm assuming you like old music?" he asked.

"i love it," you answered, "old rock mostly. elvis, the kinks, hendrix, zeppelin, motley crue, joan jett, y'know? all that stuff."

"oh wow. you have records for all of them?" he asked curiously.

"yeah," you confirmed, "do you collect?"

"i started, but i can guarantee your collection is way better than mine," he said, laughing lightly.

"oh, i'm sure you have a good collection too," you assured, causing him to laugh.

"no no," he said, still laughing, causing you to laugh too.

"it can't be that bad," you said, smiling widely.

"well considering it's mostly hand-me-down shitty yacht rock and hall and oates, i'd say it is," he smiled.

"hey, don't shit on hall and oates," you said playfully.

"alright, alright," he said, an amused look in his eyes, "you're right, hall and oates is good."

"that's better," you laughed.

"y'know, i'd really love to see your collection," austin spoke, a hint of shyness in his voice and a pink hue reaching his cheeks again.

"here, i'll give you my number and we'll arrange it," you smirked.

"okay then," he said, satisfied with himself as he pulled his phone out and handed it to you.

you typed in your name and number, trying to suppress the jitters you had from the fact that you were giving your celebrity crush your phone number.

the lights dimmed and the crowd went silent, marking the beginning of the eventful night, and although you were at the golden globes, you couldn't wait for it to be over so he would text you.

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