babysitter- jane smith

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the sun had just fully risen, and though you'd much rather be in bed, you were outside watering your front lawn. you groaned as the sun shone right in your eyes. however, your sour expression quickly switched to a smile as you saw your neighbour, jane, come out of her house. you dragged your hose to the hedge that separated your houses, watering them even though they didn't need it.

"hi, y/n," she greeted as she opened her car door.

"hi jane," you smiled in return.

you continued to water your plants, not stopping until she'd gotten in her car and driven away. once she was out of your sight, you entered your house, taking off your gardening apron which conveniently covered your work clothes. you'd had a tracker on jane's car for months, ever since you'd been told to keep an eye on her. you opened your computer, the one only for your spy work and looked at where jane was. you hopped onto your motorcycle, taking off in her direction. thankfully, you had that same gps system in it, making it easy to find your way to her. not long after, you arrived at an abandoned building. you parked it and searched for any sign of jane.

once your motorcycle was secure and basically impossible to steal, you began to explore the building, carefully scanning over every corner of the room. one of your hands was secured on your gun that was tucked into the waist of your pants. you saw jane briefly before she hid behind a wall, you hiding as well.

just as you'd begun to pull yourself out of your hiding spot, you felt someone's hand come across your face. they covered your mouth and nose with a cloth and you immediately knew what had happened. everything went black, your limbs going limp. you came to minutes later, finding that you were tied to a chair. your hands and legs were restrained, and as you attempted to move, someone behind you clicked their tongue.

"i'd advise you not to do that," he spoke.

that's when you felt the cold metal of the barrel of a gun pressed to your temple. you stopped your moving, but continued to work silently without him noticing. he called out for jane next, his tone seemingly taunting her.

jane came into sight, peeking out from behind an old industrial pole that helped hold the old building up. her gun was already lifted and pointed directly at the man behind me.

"y/n?" she asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"hi jane," you said for the second time that day, laughing nervously.

"what're you doing here?" she asked

"well, funny story-" you began, before being interrupted.

"enough!" the man behind you yelled, "make one more move and she gets it."

and like that, they were stuck in a stalemate. if jane made a move, i'd get shot. if he made a move, him and i would both be dead.

why the fuck did i take this job? you asked yourself.

jane looked around, her gun still extended and pointing at her target. she looked at me, anger flashing across her eyes. it shifted to curiosity when she noticed that i was doing something. she looked at me again and i gave her a small smirk.

jane continued to talk to the target, diverting his attention off you. as a spy, you knew how to get out of a situation like this, which is why he didn't notice when the rope secured around your ankles dropped to the ground. next, you freed your hands, slipping the rope onto your lap, so he wouldn't notice it fall. you grabbed the sides of the wooden chair and in one swift move, got up and swung the chair right at him. his gun went off in reaction, but it only shot into the distance, completely away from you and jane. he collapsed onto the ground, hitting the dusty concrete floor with a thump. you took his gun, pointing it at him as you stood over his semi-conscious body.

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