backroom pt. 2- robin buckley

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tw: nsfw, smut

robin had done just what you'd asked. you came home at around 11 pm to find that she'd left you a message. you pressed play and the sound of her raspy yet gentle voice filled your room.

"hey y/n, its robin, from the video store. i, uh, didn't know when to call, so i decided to call now. i mean, now for me which isn't now for you because you didn't pick up the phone which means you're probably not home so i should've just called later but it's too late now," she rambled nervously, "anyways, i called, just like you said to and what happened in that room, i'd really like for it to happen again, if, you know, you wanted. if you don't want to it's totally fine but i really hope you want to because it was great. uhhh, bye."

a smile graced your face as you thought about her and the way her cheeks turned bright pink when she was flustered. you immediately picked up the phone but your digital clock caught your eye. 11:07 pm. you put the phone back down, assuming that robin would be in bed by now. you'd just call her in the morning. you got ready for bed and turned on your tv, determined to get through the movies you'd rented. about 3/4 of the way through rumble fish, you fell asleep.

night turned to dawn, dawn turned to morning and morning turned to afternoon and you were still asleep. 1 pm rolled around and you heard pounding on your door, courtesy of your older brother. you jolted awake and when you realized how late it was, you began to get ready. you decided that you'd call robin and if she didn't pick up, it was probably because she was at work.

once ready, you dialled robin's number. it rang and rang before it went to voicemail. you hung up and decided you'd just stop by the video store. i mean, you had finished those movies. you stuffed the films in your bag and headed out.

as you approached the store, you felt your nerves growing. you hesitated before opening the door.

"back already, y/n?" steve teased.

"i finished the movies," you said, holding the movies up for him to see.

"mhmmmm," he smiled knowingly.

you walked up to the counter and steve took the movies. you tapped your fingers on the counter impatiently and your eyes wandered the room in search of robin.

"looking for someone?" steve asked, noticing your odd behaviour.

"no, nobody in particular," you lied unconvincingly, "but you know, if robin's around, maybe she could give me a movie that's similar to this one."

"i can help you out with that," steve said.

"oh, okay," you agreed, trying to hide your disappointment.

"i'm just messing with you," steve smiled, "she's in the back room. you can just open the door and walk in."

"thanks," you laughed, a sigh of relief escaping.

"don't make too much noise," steve winked as you opened the door.

you shut the door behind you, your cheeks burning from steve's comment.

"y/n," robin said in shock, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

"hey robin," you greeted.

"i- i wasn't expecting to see you. especially after you didn't return my call- but that's fine," she stuttered.

"i know, i'm sorry i didn't return your call. it was so late when i heard it i just figured you'd be asleep. didn't wanna wake you. i called back today but you weren't home so i figured i'd just stop by here. i finished the movies," you explained, hoping she'd forgive you.

"it's totally fine," she smiled nervously, "did you come for a new movie?"

"well, not exactly," you smiled.

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