halley's comet

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it had been a quiet afternoon for you. billie had left earlier in the day, telling you she had to go meet her manager for a while, hence why you'd spent the day lounging around. you'd gone to walk the dogs, you got lunch and then sat down to watch tv in the living room. that's where you were when billie finally got back around 3:30 pm. you heard her keys jingle in the door, causing your dogs to run to the door as they waited for their other mother to come in.

you heard her step in and the dogs erupted in excited barking.

"hi babies. where's mom?" she cooed.

shortly after, she was in the living room.

"hi babe," you greeted.

you furrowed your brows when you didn't hear any answer.

"billie?" you called.

just as you were about to answer, billie bent over you, peppering your face in kisses. while you appreciated the gesture, you were extremely confused. when she'd bent over, her hair had fallen over your face, but it wasn't the blonde colour you'd gotten used to, it was darker. once she'd pulled away, you quickly turned your head to face her. she smiled innocently at you as you looked at her. you were right. her hair was now dark brown, and she looked amazing. your jaw was hanging a little and when you realized how long you'd been staring, you began to stutter, looking for the right words.

"billie you look amazing," you said, standing up to get closer to her.

"you like it?" she asked.

"like it? i love it," you said, placing a kiss on her lips.

"really? you're not just being nice?" she questioned skeptically.

"i'm serious. you look gorgeous," you complimented, her cheeks beginning to turn bright red.

she sent you a shy smile before wrapping her arms around you.

"have you posted it yet?" you asked, eager to know how many people had seen it before you.

"no, i wanted you to see it first," she said as she unlocked her phone.

"hold on. why don't you do it on live?" you asked, knowing she hadn't filled her yearly quota of instagram lives yet.

"okay," she agreed, sitting next to you before turning it on.

views skyrocketed and more comments than you could read flooded in. you both spoke for a few minutes and billie thanked as many commenters as she could for their endless stream of compliments on her new hair. she decided to let some fans on to talk to her and you sat patiently on the side, watching the interactions. soon she'd had enough of it and switched to opening the question box. she picked up the phone and began to read through them, showing them to you as well. she answered a couple before you saw one that intrigued you. it read "y/n sing!!!". you took the phone from billie before running to the piano that sat a few feet away and setting the phone down on it. billie sat next to you on the seat and looked at you quizzically. you sent her an innocent smile. you played the beginning notes, knowing billie would catch on quick.

"this one is for you, my love," you smiled, kissing her lips briefly.

her smile grew as you began to sing the lyrics to a song by none other than her.

i don't want it

And I don't want to want you

But in my dreams I seem to be more honest

And I must admit, you've been in quite a few

the lyrics went on and billie knew exactly why you'd chosen that song. it had been written about you but billie knew you'd been in the same boat, both of you having felt vulnerable and afraid when you first started dating. she looked at you adoringly from her seat and she wore a large smile.

I've been loved before, but right now in this moment

I feel more and more like I was made for you

your voice carried through to the phone microphone as comments fangirling and pointing out the pure love between the two of you rolled through.

I think I might have fallen in love

What am I to do?

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