backroom- robin buckley

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tw: cheating

with an arm wrapped around your waist, you walked down the street. eddie was talking your ear off about hellfire and its new members. you nodded along mindlessly as you focused on the chewing gum in your mouth. the sun was beating down on you, the shade providing you little relief.

"babe?" you heard eddie call.

"hm?" you asked, snapping out of your trance.

"were you even listening?" he asked, voice filled with annoyance.

"yeah. i think it's great that you have new members. they're young, you just have to be patient with them," you spoke, trying to pitch in what you could.

"that's great, but i moved on from that a while ago," he said mouthily.

"sorry," you muttered under your breath, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.

"would it really kill you to listen to me for once?" he asked, withdrawing his arm from its place on your waist.

"would it really kill you to talk about something besides hellfire?" you responded snarkily.

"i don't always talk about hellfire," he said defensively.

"yeah right," you responded, turning the corner. "it's always dnd this, mike that, dustin this, hellfire that. i'll shut up right now if you can name three of my friends."

he looked at you, brows furrowed, before scoffing. the video store was now in sight.

"i don't wanna get into this with you right now," he said, turning away.

"name three of my friends, eddie," you spoke boldly.

"i said i don't wanna get into this with you right now," he spoke through clenched teeth, almost yelling.

"whatever. fuck you," you said, giving him the finger before stepping into the video store alone.

"babe!" he yelled, running into the store after you, "y/n!"

you rolled your eyes, not even turning to look at him.

"uh oh, trouble in paradise," steve commented from the counter.

all you heard next was a muttered 'sorry' from steve, leading you to believe that eddie had shot him a dirty look.

you turned the corner in the small store, now browsing the titles. you continued to search, unbothered, but you didn't find anything that interested you. you waked back up to the front.

"you done?" eddie asked.

"didn't find anything?" steve asked after.

"nope," you replied, not even glancing in eddie's direction.

just then, steve's coworker, robin, stepped in. you were familiar with her, considering you were in the same grade and you'd seen her in the halls, but you'd never actually talked to her.

"we just got some new titles. i can take you to the back if you wanna see them," robin offered.

"sure," you shrugged.

"i'm going to the corner store," eddie muttered.

you followed robin into the back room and you heard the door at the front shut.

"were you looking for anything in particular?" robin asked from beside you.

"not really, maybe just something scary," you responded, your eyes trained on the movies in front of you.

"cool," she smiled.

you looked up at her and met her eyes, returning the smile. you'd never really looked at robin. you took in her features, noticing how pretty she was. when you realized that you'd been staring, you shook your head slightly and turned back to the vhs tapes. the next thing you felt was robin. she was standing right next to you, your arms grazing. you could feel her warmth, you could even smell her perfume. your heartbeat accelerated a bit, and for a moment it was as though you couldn't function. you stopped, frozen, mentally scorning yourself.

you have a boyfriend, y/n, you told yourself.

"oh, here. this one's really good. have you ever watched it?" she asked, holding out a movie.

"no, i don't think so," you answered.

"great!" she cheered, beginning to walk in the direction of the counter.

"wait," you called, reaching out to grab her arm.

once you realized what you'd done, you quickly dropped your hand. robin turned to face you with a questioning smile, her brows furrowed slightly.

"since i'm uh, already here," you stuttered, "do you have any other movie recommendations?"

"sure!" she said as she searched the titles.

you waited for a moment before she triumphantly held up a movie.

"here it is," she said.

"rumble fish?" you asked.

"have you watched it?" she asked.

"yeah, i have. i don't mind watching it again, though," you spoke.

"i love it," robin enthused.

"diane lane looks super hot in it," you said before you could stop yourself.

your cheeks felt hot and your gaze dropped.

"she does," robin agreed.

you looked back up at robin, her cheeks tinted pink, a small smile on her face. when your eyes met hers, you could see a hint of desire in them. you immediately knew she was feeling the same things as you were. when a flirty smile came onto her lips, you knew it was your chance to make a move. you stepped forward and kissed her. your arms moved to her cheeks as you tried to pull robin closer. she pulled away slightly.

"what about eddie?" she asked in a whisper, your faces only centimetres apart.

"we were doomed from the start," you answered hastily, aching to have robin's lips on yours, "don't worry about us."

she hesitated before shrugging and closing the gap again. you felt her smile into the kiss and you did the same. the kiss was becoming more intense and lustful by the second. she pulled away only to take a breath before they were attacking your neck. your head was thrown back in pleasure. you tried to process what was going on but all you could focus on was how badly you wanted to go further. her hands sneaked their way into your shirt as she pulled you towards her even more.

when she was satisfied with what you were sure was a massive hickey, she went back to kissing you.

"y/n!" you heard eddie's voice call from the other room, muffled slightly due to the closed door.

you could've sworn you'd never been more upset to hear anyones voice ever.

"i guess you've gotta head back out there," robin said disappointedly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"i guess so," you said.

you spotted a pen in her breast pocket and took it out. you looked around for a piece of paper but didn't find one. eager to make sure she'd contact you again, you wrote it on her arm.

"call me," you said flirtatiously before opening the door and stepping out. you quickly checked out the movies and made your way to the exit. eddie's arm had found its way around your waist again. you turned back around and found robin already looking at her. you sent her a quick wink that made her blush once again and watched as she fought a smile before you were out of the store. you called a nearby cab.

"eddie, we're over."

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