alaska- emily prentiss

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you and emily had been looking forward to a peaceful weekend together, but of course, you'd been called in for a case. saturday morning, you and the rest of the bau team were flown to alaska. alaska of all places! not only was the case hard, but the weather made it so much harder to work.

fortunately, by tuesday afternoon, the case was solved. everyone on the team wanted to hop on the jet and go back to quantico, but the universe had other plans, a huge snowstorm hit. the power went out and airports were shut down. by night, it was barely snowing, but the ground was covered in inches of it.

you had gone to the lower level of the hotel to pick up some more blankets and when you returned to your room, you didn't see emily.

"em," you called out.

"emily, i have more blankets," you yelled, setting them down.

"emily?" you called again, this time opening the balcony door.

there, you found her sitting on the small couch in her winter coat.

"what're you doing out here?" you asked from the door.

"nothing," she mumbled, looking at the barely visible stars.

you shook your head lightly and sat next to her. she turned to look at you and you saw she had taken off her makeup. she gave you a small smile, her lips blue because of the cold. you took one of her hands in yours and planted a kiss on her cold lips.

"just what i thought," you said, just loud enough for her to hear. before she could process what you'd said, you had gotten up and gone inside.

"what?" she called out.

"y/n, what?" she said louder.

you came back outside with one large fluffy blanket in your arms.

"what was that supposed to mean?" she asked playfully.

"what was what supposed to mean?" you asked "cluelessly."

"'just what i thought,'" she said, imitating your voice.

"you're cold, em" you said.

"am not!" she defended, furrowing her brows and smiling.

"yuh huh, and it's starting to get to your head," you joked.

she playfully shoved your shoulder and began laughing.

"im serious, emily! i think you're hearing things!" you laughed, causing her to laugh more.

small snowflakes landed all over her face as she laughed and the only light was the one of the moon, you couldn't help but admire her.

god, she's so beautiful, you thought to yourself.

"what is it?" she asked, curiously.

"you were staring," she clarified when she saw the confused look on your face, her smile still lingering.

"nothing, you're just pretty," you confessed. she would've probably been blushing if it weren't for her cheeks already being pink from the cold air.

you leaned in and she met you halfway, connecting your lips. sparks flew, just like they did anytime you two were together. your senses seemed heightened and you took in everything around you; emily's soft lips on yours, the cold alaska air, the small snowflakes that landed on your face and instantly melted, the low howling of the wind. you swore it was the perfect moment. your kiss slowly intensified. as your bodies got closer, you felt how emily was shivering and how her exposed skin was cold.

"hold on," you said, breaking apart. she looked at you questioningly as you picked up the blanket you had brought out. you threw the blanket over the two of you and you instantly felt warmer.

"it was starting to feel like i was making out with a popsicle," you mumbled before resuming your kiss.

when she had processed what you said, she began to giggle, your lips still connected.

"i hate you so much," she mumbled against your lips.

"sure you do," you giggled.

soon, she pulled away. she layed her head on your shoulder, the blanket still wrapped around the both of you, keeping all of your warmth in. you threw your arm around her shoulder as you both looked out at the moonlit view that you had grown to love.

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