He brought his hand out to stroke my cheek. “Just this once, let me treat you the way you deserve to be treated,” he breathed huskily, kissed my cheek and then opened the door for me to enter. I smiled at his gesture and slid in, before he followed. However, I could have sworn I saw a shadow lurking right around the corner just before I got into the vehicle.

“Did you see that?” I asked him.

He frowned. “Did I see what?”

“It looked like someone was following us.”

Theodore shrugged, and told the driver to start driving. “I think you’re paranoid. Relax, and enjoy the moment,” he cooed cheerfully and opened the mini fridge where there was a bottle of chilled champagne. He popped the cork skilfully before pouring the pale-yellow liquid into two wine glasses. He handed one to me. “Here’s to love,” he toasted and clinked our glasses before he downed the glass in one sip. I, on the other hand, took a tiny sip. I wasn’t really a fan of alcoholic drinks, so you can imagine how much I was against even one glass.

The rest of the ride was silent. Theodore held my hand the entire time, making me feel extra giddy. My phone began to ring and when I saw the caller ID, alarm shook my entire system. I decided to answer the call, since if I didn’t, Brian would definitely get suspicious. “Hey Bry,” I greeted a little too sweetly, causing Theodore’s lip to twist in displeasure.

“Babe, what are you up to?” he asked casually, but there was a distinct edge to his voice. He sounded angry, even.

My eyes flew to Theodore. “I’m-I’m over at Lexi’s house. We’re watching re-runs of Gossip Girl. How about you, where are you?” I said, trying to play it cool but I was seconds way from jumbling up my words. And the lying continues…

He clucked his tongue, almost in disapproval. “I’m at home, having a beer by myself. Are you going to be gone for long? I really want to see you. Can I stop by her house to pick you up later?”

I shook my head asininely, as if he could see the action. Could I get any stupider? “N-no, you can’t do that. Lexi just broke up with her boyfriend and she really needs me to comfort her. Girl code; sisters before misters,” I added quickly, and Theodore laughed at my crazy statement. I openly glared at him and put a finger on his lips to silence him.

“Oh, that’s too bad. You never mentioned that she had a boyfriend though. Tell her that I said my condolences, her boyfriend wasn’t probably worth it anyways. I’ll let you go then. Enjoy the rest of your evening,” he said flatly before ending the call. I released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

Theodore whistled lowly. “My, my, who knew this innocent angel knows how to fabricate a story so well. You even had me fooled for a second there,” he rebutted sarcastically, making me slap his chest.

“I’m in this mess because of you, so don’t you dare call me out for lying. We’ve been driving around for some time now, where are you taking me Theodore?”

He leaned close to me, and his lips hovered over mine. “I love it when you say my name. It sounds like bloody music to my ears,” he murmured seductively and kissed the corner of my lips, before readjusting himself to be reclined against the seat. “And as for where we’re going; I’m taking you back to the place where it all began.”

The place where it all began? What the actual fudge did he mean by that?


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