The Silence of Angels: Part 2

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This picks up immediately after the previous part ends.

I've done something with one of the characters which is a big change from the way Pokémon stories typically go. People who are familiar with the anime and the news which surrounds it will understand why I did what I did. For everyone else, I've included a comment at the appropriate point explaining things.

Additionally, fair warning, there are two intimate scenes contained in this part. These scenes are very tastefully and poetically written, not smutty or gratuitous. Also, for the record, all of the characters are considered to be adults. (18+)

I hope you enjoy this roller coaster ride of a story. If you have a comment (you probably will) feel free to leave it. If you enjoy the chapter consider leaving a vote.

Serena let out a tense and excited laugh and then quickly took a gasping breath. She hadn't taken a breath during the entirety of the final exchange and now her lungs demanded fresh air. She took in several deep, slow breaths, a broad smile slowly spreading across her face. Lucario had done it! Ash had done it!

She leaned against the window, feeling warm and sweet emotions start to bubble up inside her.

"Oh, Ash!" she whispered to herself. "I knew you could do it!"


The Mega Evolution energy dissipated from Lucario and the aura Pokémon reverted back to its normal appearance. Ash and Pikachu dashed across the battlefield, both of them grinning from ear to ear.

"You did it Lucario!" Ash shouted.

Lucario allowed itself a small grin and turned to face Ash. Even that tiny motion was too much for the exhausted Pokémon and its legs began to collapse out from under it. Lucario went down on one knee and the fighting type let out a pained moan.

Ash reached his Pokémon and laid a hand on Lucario's shoulder.

"You okay?" Ash asked softly.

Lucario nodded heavily and managed a subtle smile.

Ash smiled and nodded in return. The two of them shared a respectful stare and then Ash heard a commotion some distance behind him. The trainer from Kanto looked over his shoulder and saw there were about twenty reporters making their way across the field, no doubt intent on interviewing the 'world's greatest Pokémon trainer.'

"Oh boy," Ash sighed.

Lucario groaned and Ash turned back to his Pokémon. The extremely stoic warrior had no interest in the media spotlight and felt somewhat self-conscious about its exhausted state. Ash gave Lucario a sympathetic smile and raised its Pokéball. Lucario nodded in thanks and was whisked away inside its Pokéball where it could begin to rest.

Ash turned to face the approaching mob of reporters and camera men. One of the advantages of living in Pallet Town was the lack of media. He definitely hadn't missed this aspect of being world champion.


Twenty-five minutes later, Ash emerged from the elevator and stepped into the luxury box. Pikachu bounded into the center of the room and Ash wasted no time in sending out his other five friends. Pikachu, Talonflame, Charizard, Sceptile, Noivern and Lucario all smiled and celebrated their success. There was plenty of congratulations, some good natured ribbing and lots of laughter and enjoyment.

Much of the praise was directed toward Lucario, which made the aura Pokémon very uncomfortable. Sensing an opportunity, the other Pokémon raised the stoic creature up on their shoulders and began carrying a protesting Lucario around like the victor it was.

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