Ships Passing on a Cerulean Sea

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Serena is on an excursion to Cerulean City. She's planning to pick up a few things for her, and maybe something for Ash. Will anything exciting happen or will she meet anyone from the past?

This takes place not long after the previous chapter.

The young female checkout clerk smiled and handed Serena the bag of clothing items she'd just rung up. "Thank you for visiting! I hope you'll be back sometime soon!" she said sweetly.

Serena smiled and nodded politely. "Thanks! You always have such nice things here." She then turned, glanced at Delphox, Sylveon and Pancham and started walking toward the exit. Her Pokémon all followed after her, enjoying the excursion.

"It sure is fun shopping," she remarked happily.

Delphox agreed and Serena giggled like a little girl.

Serena loved this small boutique in Cerulean City. They had all kinds of lovely clothes and accessories she found useful for her Pokémon contests. She looked down into the bag containing her latest acquisitions.

She'd gotten a couple new decorative hairclips for herself, some jewelry for Delphox and Sylveon, a new set of shirts for the summer and a fun pair of stylish boots.

Serena blushed a little as she thought of her final purchase. It was a set of frilly, red lingerie; a little surprise she planned to keep tucked away until the right moment.

Ever since Ash had professed his love for her, things had been very different between them. Where once there had been shyness and hesitation, there was now passion and eagerness. Serena could sense that it was only a matter of time until they finally gave into their desires and she wanted to be sure that when that time came, she would be ready.

Serena had played out the scenario of their first time in her mind dozens of times. Their day would be full of flirtations and teasing. At some point, during one of their heated exchanges, a decision would be made. They'd change into their best clothes, fix a romantic meal and enjoy a lovely dinner together. They'd retreat to the couch and spend some time stoking the fire of passion that would burn inside them throughout the night. They would then retire to the bedroom. Ash would sit on the bed and she would slowly remove her outer layers of clothing until only the lingerie remained. She could clearly envision Ash's wide-eyed stare as he took in the sight of her scantily clad body.

Serena blushed a bit more and grinned subtly. She was really looking forward to that night.

The girl from Kalos donned her pink sunhat, put on a pair of sunglasses and stepped out into the bright afternoon sun of Cerulean City. She really loved this city. It wasn't as big as Saffron City but that was part of the charm. It had the happy feeling of a small town and it made Serena feel right at home.

The wind rushed past and Serena reached down with her free hand to keep her skirt from blowing up. She chuckled, enjoying the stiff breeze. It was a sign that summer wasn't far away. Soon the days would be hot and long, just the way she liked it.

"Come on, let's go," she said to her Pokémon.

All three of her friends agreed and fell into step with her. They marched north a short ways, taking in the sights of the city.

Serena smiled as she scanned her surroundings. As they approached the large bridge north of Cerulean City, she paused to take in the beautiful sight of the sparkling sunlight reflecting off the water. She sighed happily and continued toward the bridge. Part of her wished Ash had come along on this excursion but she'd needed him to be absent so she could acquire the lingerie.

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