Making Out Then Making Up

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This chapter takes place a few weeks after the previous part. Ash and Serena are becoming more comfortable with their relationship. They have a very special event planned for the day. Afterward, they take a spontaneous trip to the beach, without their Pokémon. How will the young couple behave when it's just them, alone on the beach. What boundaries will be approached?! Will any be crossed?!

As always, if you have comments or complements, please leave them. If you like the chapter, consider leaving a vote.

Also, for anyone asking about ages, as I described in the overall work description, Ash and Serena are considered to be adults.

Ash took a deep breath and let it out. Then he took another breath and let it out as well.

Serena smiled and leaned close to his face. "I haven't seen you this nervous, ever," she said in a sweet whisper.

Ash gave a tense smile and laughed softly. "It's my first time doing something like this Serena. It's a big deal."

Serena shifted herself slightly so Ash could see her. She'd tied her hair into a tight bun at the back of her head to keep it out of the way. She'd also put on a little makeup for the occasion. The sight of her face made Ash's eyes light up.

"You," Serena said in a mildly teasing tone. "The world's greatest Pokémon trainer, and this makes you nervous."

Ash's mouth lifted into a wry smile. "Have you ever done this before?" he asked with mild sarcasm.

Serena smiled and nodded. "Actually, yes. This one time in Hoenn; after I won a contest."

Ash looked surprised. "Really! You never told me you've done this before?!" he replied. "How'd that happen?"

Serena thought back to the happy memory. "I'd just won a contest in Rustboro City. Afterward, this young student came up to me and said she'd loved my performance. She thought I was amazing and she wanted me to visit her at the Pokémon trainer school." Serena giggled briefly. "She was actually really flattering. She kept saying how much it would mean to her if I dropped by the next day."

Ash nodded; hearing all of this for the first time. "So, I guess you did."

Serena nodded. "Yes. And I was really glad I did, Ash. I was really nervous at first, just like you are, but it turned out great. It was a little chaotic and messy, but you just roll with it and keep going no matter what happens."

Ash considered what Serena had said and then took in another deep breath to calm himself.

"Do you want to take the lead on this; since you've got experience?" he asked in a serious tone.

Serena smiled kindly at him. "No Ash. You're the one in charge here. You need to be taking the lead."

Ash still looked nervous, but he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, okay. I just don't wanna make a mistake."

Serena, again, leaned her face close to his. "Just fill yourself up with love and happiness, Ash. When you do that, everything you do will be wonderful."

Ash looked into Serena's eyes, but she could tell he was still a little nervous.

"Here," Serena said, presenting Ash with his signature red cap.

Ash smiled and very deliberately pulled the cap down on his head. He let out a quiet, satisfied sigh as he did so.

Serena felt her heart flutter as she saw the swagger and sparkle instantly return to Ash's eyes.

Ash smiled. "Okay, you ready?" he said; sounding enthused.

Serena nodded an affirmative. "Yep," she replied.

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