" What are you doing at this time?" he asked making her still but her eyes were fixated on the floor and didn't know what to answer .

" I asked you something" he stated with authority making her shudder under him as her throat dried in fear.

" N-nothing" she stuttered as her mind went blank and forgot the purpose she came out from her room.

Leonardo observed her for a while. He knows there's no way she is planning to escape from here because
One: it's impossible with the heavy security and Two: if she wanted she would've done it long ago.

Leo could tell she was lying . Her tensed body and nervous hand that were clenching on her clothes told him.

Now that he was looking at her full appearance, he found her breath takingly cute.

Though the dress she wore did not show any features of her body but she was really beautiful in them.

It's ironic how he thought like that when she isn't slightly even his type.

But his heart was glad that she was alive from the bullet that was aimed towards her during the mall.

The memory of the masked man aiming his gun at Noor was still freshly plastered in Leo's mind.

At that moment he could see Noor laying down in the pile of blood making his stomach twist and his chest hollow.

He felt as if his life force was going to be cut out from him. At that moment he didn't thought of what will happen to him because his mind was set in one thing.


He recklessly came from his safe position and ran up to the masked man aiming his gun at him.

As the masked man pulled the trigger to shoot Noor, Leonardo shot him straight in his heart making him lose his aim and shot Jack's shoulder as he appeared.

He felt relief she didn't got shot but it hasn't been a minute that someone suddenly shot him from behind and it seemed like they were targeting his heart but missed it.

He turned to see the attacker and did not waste any second as he shot him straight on his head and the next second he was dropped dead on the ground.

Leonardo fall on the floor as his wobbly leg was unable to support his body weight as he struggled to breath in agony on the floor.

Good thing Michelle reached there in time and sent him back to get immediate treatment.

He could still feel his blood thundering in his veins and his hands itching to kill that masked man over and over again.

" U-um... thank you" Noor voiced meekly bringing Leonardo out of his trance and once again his focus was at her.

" Thank you for saving me.... again" this time Noor raised her eyes to look at his aloof gray orbs vigilantly

The words that came out from Noor's lips were sinking in Leonardo's mind.

Save her? Right... he saved her. But... why? He is nothing to her nor is she.

Now that he thinks back on his actions. He could've just left the mall knowing Michelle and Suzy were safe leaving her but he didn't.

Saving someone he barely know itself is something he doesn't do unless they are related to him in some way.

She has a debt on her. He reasoned himself for his out of the character action but it doesn't seem that reason is enough.

He felt there is something else.

His Weakness Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin