Now Things and Later Things

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"Not friends, lovers," she seemed to get closer to him, leaning in, and I pressed my hand to her shoulder, but she suddenly became very hard to move. I didn't know she was so strong. She whispered something to him that made him clench his hand around his backpack before she stood tall again.

And just like that she snapped out of whatever power trip she fell into. Her green eyes relaxed, and her figure went back to its normal, loose, care-free posture.
I pulled her arm into my chest hugging it trying to get her away. She let me easily as I waved goodbye to Colton who didn't move from his spot.

I can only assume that he's in some sort of shock, who expected that?

"What was that, what did you say to him?" I asked, looking up at her.

She shrugged as I turned away from her to open my room door. She followed me in only to wrap her arms around my waist once the door closed behind us. I smiled feeling her lean into me. I liked the weight she put on my body and I turned around kissing her lips.

Was she jealous just then?

That's's what it feels like, well, she shouldn't be. She's so much better than him, and so much less creepy.

She deepened the kiss and back up into the kitchen counter that's he turned me against. She gripped my hips to lift me up, but it made me cower away in pain when she pressed into the bruise on my side. She stepped back quickly and gave me a look. Gem doesn't speak much, especially when she's feeling anything other than happiness, and right now, I could read it in her eyes she didn't like what just happened.

I shook my head before tugged at the end of my shirt, "Show me."

I huffed at that, I just wanted to leave. I don't want this problem right now, so I shake my head.

"What happened?" she asked, pushing my hair back. She towered over with an aura so different from Air and Gigi. So much more domineering than anyone I've ever met.

"I fell into the counter," I smiled.

"You're not very good at lying, I've discovered just now that I don't like it very much," She spoke softly, but her tone was very stoic, as she boxed me against the counter looking down at me. She really put the pressure on me and my lungs started to burn as I forgot to breathe. She made me feel so small.

I let out the air I was accidentally holding and dropped the tension in my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. I want her to stop being scary for a second.

"It was her, we were arguing, and she pushed me into the counter," I nodded towards the demon's door.

"Good girl, now let me see," She asked, pulling away from me. I gave in it had been paining all day, but I ignored it, I've been in pain countless times. I'm no stranger to pushing through.

I pulled up the side of my shirt to show the bruise that had spread quite a hit and had become really dark now. It looks worse than it actually is since I'm so small and pasty.

"It looks worse than it is, I'm fine, I swear, now let's go before she comes back, I just came back for some clothes," I said, trying to walk to my door, but she stopped me.

She let me go but just as I made it to my door, the room door opened to the demon and her friends. It's genuinely puzzling how she has friends, she's a monster.

There were a few girls who stopped in their tracks as they looked at me and started to get excited.

"Oh my god, you didn't tell me Baby was your roommate! OMG, it's so cool to meet you!" She ran up to me and I smiled, shaking her hand. People are so excited to seeing me now, I hate it.

The demon scoffed slamming the door behind her. Gem hopped onto the counter, crossing her legs. She was even taller up there.

"She's a Lesbo!"

Connie's friend shot me an apologetic look before she backed away awkwardly and that made me a bit angry, but I reeled it in for the strangers in the room.

I turned around to walk into my room before I head feet hit the floor. I looked back thinking Gem was going to follow me, but she didn't, she walked over to my roommate and looked down at her for a second.

"Hobie, go pack your bag for me," she demanded, and I scurried to my room and quickly turned around to peek out the door. She was so cold, her face was hardened into a frown. I don't think I've ever seen her like that before.

Gem towered over her and stepped closer, she stared at the girl and suddenly lashed out, backhanding the girl, I gasped as everyone screamed. It was like something from a drama.

"Do you know who I am, and by proxy who she is? You're a fool if you think you can get away with putting your hands on what's mine. I mean, I am a Telmont, it should serve you well to keep your filthy hands and thoughts to yourself.

"Bruising a princess of all people, who are you to think you're superior, let alone equal. I don't repeat myself, Connie."

She pulled off her insignia ring and took it to the sink. It was then that I saw blood. My eyes went wide, it never occurred to me that Gem could be like that.

She shook the water from her hands and ring before she stood up and slid back onto the kitchen island above the girls.

"Besides, you should feel lucky it was me, and not Air, oh or Gigi, you've met Gigi, right? Hmm, what can I say, my girlfriend's crazy, she kills people."

I slapped my hand over my mouth and back into my room, as I backed away from the door. We have to get out of here before all of this gets worse. 

I turned around, grabbing my Kirby backpack and stuffing a few pajamas in before I pulled it on, bolting out of the door. I took in a breath of air as I was faced with Connie and her holding something to her face with her friends surrounding her.

She quickly looked away from me and I hesitated before I came back to reality when Gem hopped off the counter, "Let's go Babygirl, Air is waiting. She wants to show you her new Lamborghini, it's pink."

I held my Kirby bag close as I looked back at them, Gem held my hand, guiding me out of the room.

Well, I guess I won't have to worry about her anymore. I didn't want it to come to that, but she wouldn't stop. I guess it's her own fault, but it doesn't feel like that. She'll think I set her up, She'll just blame me more now. 

I shook my head, remembered what Gigi told me, 'There are now things and later things'. I guess that counts as a later thing.

My Kitten (GirlxGirl)(MDLG)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang