Chapter 13: Miruzo City...finally

Start from the beginning

[Sure thing sir, as long as nothing bad happens that is] I smiled in return. A business smile I have perfected over the years, the smile I trained while facing shitty clients, the same plastic smile I use to appease others. I wonder, it feels that it was way too useful for this situation rather than when I was still on Earth and on that job.

[Hohoho? Then this way please, it's just a few questions] (??) Guided by two guards, I looked at the worried faces of the people whom I left behind.

They were total strangers to me, but somehow I am now attached to them. As for my promise to them, I will keep that. I will return them back to their home, safe and sound.

I was led to a small room where 2 chairs and a table were present. In the room, a woman with striking features resembling that of a witch was present. 

[Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....what is it this time?] (??) She held a pipe in her left hand and exhaled smoke from her mouth.

*Cough Cough*

The smell of tobacco is something I have hated since and have avoided having to smoke as a vice.

[Oh? A guest ey?] (??) Let me summarise what she looks like.

A violet witch outfit resembles that of a cosplayer, with a witch hat, a witch cane, a large floating crystal, and a pipe in her hands. What could she be other than...a witch.

[Good morning ma'am] I bowed my head. This person's presence alone somehow chokes me just by being in the same room...the aura of an overbearing person.

[Hmmm? What brings you here youngun?] (??) And she speaks like an old woman too.

[We brought him here because Gonzo's daughters were with him as they returned here] (??)

[Oya?! You mean!] (??) The tension in the air subsided after her remark.

Ugh...what? Gonzo's daughter? Them? 

They looked at me from top to bottom and vice versa.

[You don't look that strong kid] (??) Said the guard who took me here. 

[Ahaha] A rude remark was immediately said to me.

[Yeah, you have matches for arms] (??) Rudely remarked by the witch.

[Ahaha.......] I feel like my mental health declines the more I stay in this place.

[Right, let us go with that for now. For starters I thank thee for saving my friend's daughters in peril, we've been racking our brains about it since their disappearance for a week. I really hated that it went under my nose when I am the best of the best] (??) erm... she started praising herself for being the best after dissing herself? Excuse me? What?

[But madam, that was only because they did it when you were exactly called at the castle for a meeting. That was the chance they got, after your return, no new cases of people being abducted were reported] (??)

[Still, that makes it even worse] (??)

For now, maybe, it would be better to take a seat. Also, this issue about people being abducted isn't just the girls huh, to think others are being targeted.

[However, I can't appreciate enough the bravery that you did, again, thank you] (??) This time she bowed her head toward me.

[You're welcome? It was barely only a chance that I was there to save them]  Was it luck or fate that brought me to them? IDK, but I think I will hold unto the belief that it was fated luck.

The genuine feeling that I helped someone is indeed making me happy, but knowing that there were others out there who had the same fate as them.......just made me realize how big deal of a situation this is.

Like holy shit, a mass abduction event just happened within this place, and only god knows where they are right now.

[Jack was it? I am Irene Fablione, it is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice to meeeeeeeeeeeeet you~] (Irene) 

[Ah, nice to meet you too] I bowed in return to her greetings, finally, it seems that things are now starting to move here.

How did she know about my name?

[Oh by the way the reason it seems that you were brought here is that the magic scanner did not locate any files about, can you leave us for a sec] (Irene)

[Sure, just call me if you need anything. And don't do anything weird to the young man] (Lugh)

That leaves only the two of us alone in the room, facing one another....silence soon fills the room as she sipped from her pipe before asking me something that made my skin crawl.

[You are not from here aren't you?] (Irene) Geh?!

[W-What is your base for that ma'am?] 

[Hmmmm??? A baseline you say? You don't have any mana at all] (Irene) Wh...what?! I have no mana....what was mana again? Ah....magical energy. does that mean?

[It shows in your face, the answer that is. No worries lad, summoned heroes are mana-less to begin with hence they undergo the blessing of the church. Other than that, the scanner earlier showed no signs of malice coming from you say it in short] (Irene) She smoked her pipe...and continued.

[You are welcome to this city....but on probation of course] (Irene) By the swing of her hand, the papers which were stacked on the shelf behind her moved. One sheet flew to her hand, to which she then passed to me.

[Please fill in your information here, and please put the true-est information you can put] (Irene) Gulp...she's mad serious. Though on a side note, this means that I have the green light for entry to the city. Phew~ At least this is better than being detai....

[Oh wait a minute, does this mean that someone is going to check up on me daily?]

[Of course, though for your convenience....I already selected who it will be. So don't worry~] (Irene) Nope, that made me worried. Her remark made me worry, just who would it be?

I wrote my name, current age, and birthday. As for the place of birth....

[Just put Karson Village in there, don't ask why] (Irene) Why? Rain then poured outside before I knew it. Transitioning the sunny weather into a rainy morning in an instant.

RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now