Chapter Twenty Four

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The owls had just arrived to drop off mail and the Great Hall was stunned silent by the cackling that came from James Charlus Potter. Everyone turned to look at him and found Cassia shaking with laughter in his lap. Sirius looked over and let out his famous bark-like laughter. Everyone had gotten the news that Dumbledore had flashed everybody after declaring Lord and Lady Potter along with Lord Black were dead. They weren't dead and suddenly Dumbledore flashes people. James, however, had an extra note, 'I collected some robes—Dad' it said. Minerva, who had stepped forward as Headmistress after Dumbledore was being kept for questioning eventually excused everyone.

They went to classes and people still couldn't get the image of James and Severus working together out of their heads. James had to get the Slytherin to talk him because he was still hesitant to speak. Neither had apologized for the behavior of their early years, they know it was compulsions and potions that did that. Severus had been trying to make up for how he acted without potions and started helping first years with their potions work. He did apologize to James about killing him, but he still saw the males in there group would pull their respective girlfriends to their sides. It was discreet, but he noticed. Granted, it was less than it was months ago.


Lily got some time alone and pulled out the book she found of creatures and searched up faes. 'Faes are known to be feisty and temperamental. They have faint hints of wings that only there mates, families, and trusted ones can see. They have sharp features in their human form. When there fae form comes out, their eyes become bigger and they grow claws. Some fae have an elemental ability. If the fae is of creature inheritance and they are an animagus, there animal half can have features show in there fae form. The fae diet consists of mostly fruits and vegetables. They love sweets. To trick a fae, offer them a delicious treat they can't refuse,' Lily read and smirked. She always saw James give that fae a treacle tart. She just had to find one. As Lily put the book down, she neglected to read further down where it said, 'Never try to take a fae's mate, they will get violent.'

Lily hurried down to the kitchens and asked for a treacle tart before searching for the fae.


"Where the fuck is Cassia?" Pandora suddenly asked, scaring the group.

"She had class with the Slytherin's, she's most likely with Severus," James said. He still didn't like the thought of those two with each other, but he's seen the Slytherin starting to try. He's been getting to know his brother and niece more even if the brother and niece are still angry about what he did to James. It was a Hades thing, that grudge, it made when others came over more awkward until Marlene charmspoke them to talk.

Pandora paused for a second, "Okay she is, but that won't help the situation," Pandora said, "We need to find Cassia, I don't know what floor she's on, but Lily is about to find her and piss her off," she said. As soon as she said Lily, she saw the flicker in James' eyes as Jay came forward a bit.

Sirius let in a big breath through his noise, trying to find where Cassia was. They couldn't shadow travel without some stuck up 'Light Magic is better' bitch calling them out. He found her scent, "This might take a while, but I got her," Sirius said moving forward. They all followed him, only to find Regulus also tracking something, "Been that way, they're this way," he said, the group now following.


Cassia and Severus were quietly talking about some of the ghosts in the Underworld. Severus had been amazed to find out he automatically knew Greek and could speak it. "Le Fay!" they heard there least favorite redhead call. "Oh, hi Sev!" Lily greeted with a happier voice.

"What do you want?" Severus drawled.

"Oh, I just wanted to give Le Fay this treacle tart," Lily said, putting Severus on edge. Cassia's eyes grew slightly bigger as she stared at the tart, her fae side wanted to snatch it, but the godly side of her was telling her not to.

"Why?" Cassia asked.

"Just take it," Lily held it out. Cassia hesitantly reached for it and saw her ring didn't signal potions or compulsions. She inspected it and found it just to be a treacle tart. Her fae side wanted to eat it, but her godly side wanted to know what Lily really wanted. She made sure her hair was in her face and she looked like she was about to eat it when she heard Lily say, "Hold on! You can keep that treat if you let me have James."

Now, it was common knowledge that the Le Fay was a creature, and that her and James had been mates as found out form the incident the Slytherin standing next to the Ravenclaw caused. So when the surrounding students heard that, they all hurried away as Severus barely saw Cassia speed past him, claws extended, canines from animagus on display, and fire sprouting from around her making her hair go crazy. She had tackled Lily to the ground, fingers wrapped in the red hair and slamming Lily's head against the grounding and punching her screaming, "HE IS MINE! NO ONE TAKES MY MATE!"

Then arms pulled her back and she would've fought it, but she knew only the Black brothers, Severus, her father and grandfather were the only ones who could touch her fire other than James. She smelled James' scent and immediately calmed down as Minerva came running down soon followed by Flitwick. "What happened here?" Minerva gasped.

"Evans tried to get Cassia to take a treacle tart and bribe her to stay away from James so she could have him," Severus immediately said, everyone hearing a growl from the small girl as she spotted the bloody Lily again, "Mine," she mumbled, burying her head in James chest as he kissed her head.

"Ms. Evans, this is inexcusable, detention for the next three months with me," Minerva spat. The demigods wish the redhead would get expelled, but they knew Dumbledore had to protect his precious muggleborns. Then, James had a lovely idea...Merlin could use some cushioning for his bed...

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