Chapter Twenty

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Cassia wrapped her arms around James, sensing his distress, Braeden being told something else by the Aurors that came with him. James along with Sirius and Regulus had the pureblood mask up, the three weren't going to show how upset they were in front of the whole hall. Marlene had been grabbing onto Sirius' arm, trying to tell him she was there, she knew it was bad if Sirius of all people had the pureblood mask up. "Oh, James," Lily's voice spoke up, trying to sound sympathetic, and tried to get to James, but was startled by the black fox pup springing out of Cassia's bag and hissing at the redhead.

"Dumbledore, I'm pulling my daughter, Heir Potter, Heir Black and his brother out for the day," Braeden announced.

"My boy—," Dumbledore started, the twinkle in his eye appearing.

"Albus Dumbledore, you are going to let me take these three out so they have a familiar face so they can go see their fathers. You are not in charge of what happens to my daughter, if I want her to come with, she is coming with. I'm sure the other teachers can give them homework so they can catch up..." Braeden looked at the other teachers, all of them nodding, "Ok, shouldn't be a problem, let's go," he said and the four got up, "Merlin," Cassia called, the fox had still been glaring at Lily, but turned around sprinting towards his human and jumping into her bag.

Marlene sighed as she watched the four leave, "Hey," she heard Alice say, and turned her attention to the blonde in front of her, "You know Braeden was bringing Cassia to keep James calm, Sirius and Regulus consider her to be a sister so she'll be able to comfort them too, but James' creature needs to stay calm, especially at a hospital," Alice explained. Marlene sighed again and nodded, she knew Cassia could keep an eye on all three. Marlene was also surprised that Frank had put up a silencing charm and she didn't notice, "What? I can be sneaky when needed," he said, seeing her surprised look.

The group then looked over to see Severus looking very confused and a little lost, "Regulus is the only one he really talks to at the moment, I know Rabastan, Lucius, and Narcissa are trying, but he's still hesitant and they can only do so much before others try to recruit him. They should probably keep an eye on him because everybody knows he's living with the LeFay's now," Marlene suggested. Alice however noticed Rabastan looking somewhere else, concerned, she followed his line of sight and gasped, catching the other three's attention. Xeno had his arm around Pandora who had been hiding her face and looking as if she was trying to not cry based off the quick deep breathing she was doing. Xeno's arm moved to help her out of the seat as she hurried off, Xeno getting up to follow.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked.

Xeno didn't say anything but motioned to his eyes and then to the Daily Prophet before he left to follow, making them realize she had seen it happen, "That's why Cassia seemed panicked, she figured out what she saw," Alice said. She looked at Rabastan who seemed to really want to go after his sister but seemed a bit calmer now that Xeno was going after.

Braeden had stopped the four outside of St. Mungos, in a private spot, Regulus had stayed by Sirius' side and Cassia had grabbed James' hand as they had walked, "James, I had been trying to get a hold of your mother and hadn't gotten a response, so I had sent an Auror to your house, your mother had also been attacked right outside the wards," Braeden told him. Cassia felt the hold on your hand get tighter so she squeezed back. The Potter Heir's expression didn't change, he just nodded, and they made their way in.

They had reached the room that they were in, seeing Apollo outside, dressed as a Healer, they could see Hades and Thanatos were inside the room, but the four paused, Braeden realizing why they paused. The three boy's expressions broke as the realization hit them, they could sense three spirits in there and they knew very well who it was, "It'll be okay, trust me," Braeden reassured the three boys.

Braeden and Cassia guided the three in, seeing an angry Thanatos and a watchful Hades watching the room. Charlus, Dorea, and Orion had all been lying in beds, Apollo ordering a room for all three. Thanatos, Hades, and Hecate knew what would happen and asked Apollo to step in as a Healer knowing what was going to happen. The four then looked up to the three spirits that were standing by their bodies. Somebody intended to kill the three, they were dead. But what caught their attentions were that Dorea and Orion's spirits were fading, and their bodies were showing signs of life, they still had no heartbeat but looked more lively. What also caught their attention, and apparently Orion and Dorea's was the shifting face of Charlus', looking just like the way James' had shifted. A new Collector was joining the game.


I have a term coming up, but my mother is also having surgery and I need to be helping her out, either I can continue having updates every other Sunday, or I can do a really big update when my next term ends. I cannot guarantee how many chapters will be added for each story, but intend to update all of them. I AM NOT STARTING THIS UNTIL JUNE. So please vote:

Every other Sunday—some chapters are updated mainly once

Wait until August—will have a big update)

The Future Lady Potter {HP/PJO}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon