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Third POV

Hecate, the goddess of magic, had been sitting with her good friends Hades who also happened to be the grandfather of the child the goddess had in her belly, and Thanatos, the God of Death. Hecate had gone to the God of the Underworld a bit worried. She had brought along Thanatos knowing it might involve him. "Now, what's wrong?" Thanatos asked.

"I've been getting these visions of this one magical line that feels like it's protected by you, Thanatos. I was seeing this whole line where one of fell for this female and she finally gave in. the Line ended up dying because one of Hades' other children sold them out. Something was blocked there, I can't think of what. But then I see this other one and a black haired girl is involved now, she changes everything and I think she is currently in my belly at this moment," Hecate explained. The three sat in silence, in a way that meant the child may have a prophecy, they hated it when children had prophecies, that they couldn't have a proper childhood because sometimes the mortal parent became abusive or the demigod was not in a safe situation and ends up getting attacked by a monster.

The three were startled by the sound of liquid dropping, they all looked down and saw Hecate's water broke, "Well shit," she said and Hades called for Apollo. His nephew actually did come down to the Underworld quite a bit, mostly at night though due to his domain. Believe it or not Hecate preferred Apollo's company more than Artemis' which was saying something considering they share a moon domain. Hours later, Apollo was holding out a baby girl towards an exhausted Hecate only to gasp as his eyes glowed the familiar greenish color and he spouted out what they were dreading, a prophecy.

"Child of Magic,

Legacy of Dead,

Shall the Fate of a Death Line,

Accompanied by Others and Guards,

The Magical World Freed Once Again."

"I gave a prophecy, didn't I?" Apollo assumed after he recovered and saw Hecate holding the baby girl to her chest. How was she going to tell Braeden? She actually really did like Braeden and Hades knew that, he also knew this child would be powerful as a result of that. Demigods tended to gain more power based off how much the godly parents really liked and cared for the mortal parents. Hades was wondering how the hell he actually ended up gaining a son that everyone likes, even Persephone wasn't angry about him fathering Braeden.

"Do you want us to come with?" Thanatos asked. Hades and Apollo both agreed with the question and stunned Hecate by all of them offering to come with. Hecate nodded and they all disappeared from the Underworld, appearing at the Le Fay Manor. Braeden must've felt the wards shift because he suddenly appeared, "Father? Thanatos?" he questioned as they were in front. The two gods moved aside revealing Apollo and Hecate with a small bundle in the Goddess' arms. "Is that--?" he cut himself off when Hecate gave him a nod, and the three gods couldn't believe it, a shy smile, as she handed him the baby girl who looked up at him with her curious dark eyes. She already seemed to take after Braeden, his mother, and Hades with her curly hair and dark eyes, but he could tell everything else was Hecate though.

"So, um, something else happened when I gave birth..." Hecate trailed off.

Braeden looked up alarmed and saw a guilty looking Apollo, "No..." he assumed.

"Yes, she had a prophecy," Hecate said and Apollo told him the prophecy. Braeden couldn't help but think of the "Death Line" and "Guards", he remembered his two old friends that had some spell put on them and he hasn't been able to contact them.

"Does the Death Line happen to be who I'm thinking it's going to be?" he asked. Thanatos had nodded, much to his relief. The baby girl, they agreed, would be homeschooled until she reached her fifth year. Then everything would be set in motion. Braeden looked down at his daughter, "You're going to change the world, Cassia le Fay."

Cassia's Eyes:

Cassia's Eyes:

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Le Fay Manor

Le Fay Manor

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