Chapter Twenty One

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They all watched Charlus' spirit's face shift until it stopped, showing with black and white eyes before looking back at Dorea and then getting back into his body. "Shield the door," Hades ordered Apollo, "We don't know how he'll react to Dorea still being dead." Apollo rushed out the door and there was a light coming from the closed door, the light was creating a shield.

Charlus gasped awake, his creature present and started fighting off everyone that had tried to keep him down. Jay, James' creature, had come forward to help keep his father down so Cassia didn't get harmed. Cassia had been staying back with her mom as they witnessed everything. There was black smoke pouring around the room, both from Charlus and from Jay. Thanatos had looked behind him where Dorea's spirit had been standing wide eyed, "Any day now!" he yelled. Another body had slumped over Charlus to use his weight as support, Sirius and Regulus almost jumping up from there holding position in shock to see that Orion had gotten up from his bed.

Dorea finally felt herself get pulled back into her body and she gasped awake making Charlus pause. She sat up and slowly made her way over and the man calmed down so the others had slowly let go. "I guess it's nice to know your parents are soulmates," Sirius comments noticing James' brown eyes had returned. Sirius, Regulus, and James were helping Orion back to his bed and Hades asked Hecate to knock on the door. "I'm a moon goddess, I am not touching something made of sunlight even if its weak," Hecate responded looking offended. Thanatos, in response, threw his shoe at the door, startling the drowsy Orion and Dorea, "Sorry," the god of death mumbled.

Apollo entered the room again and checked on Orion first, "He must've gotten up because his instincts were going off," he concluded after hearing what Orion had done. The Guards protect demigods and the blessed lines, in this case the Death Line. While the person causing the trouble was from the Death Line, somebody else from the Death Line was holding him down, and there was a demigod in the corner, and the small fact that his pups were also trying to hold Charlus down. Now the Apollo's challenge, checking Dorea. The black and white eyes of Charlus were staring him down, at least he thinks they were, "Dad," James spoke up making the man look at him, "Let him see if mom is alright after all of this, he doesn't even have to touch her," he said. Apollo was nodding in agreement, partly because it was true, and partly because he remembered what James had done when his Collector appeared at an age 15. While it's a hidden inheritance that only appears when you die, it still shouldn't come before sixteen like a normal creature inheritance. Charlus have Apollo a nod and the sun god looked Dorea over and concluded she was okay, but also exhausted.

"I think we should let them rest, we'll come back tomorrow," Braeden said, pulling the teens out, none of them wanting to leave. "Apollo and I will take turns staying with them until you come back," Hecate told them, making them relax some and exited with Braeden.

At the Le Fay Manor, Regulus had taken his stuff into Sirius' room, he couldn't get the image of their father being dead out of his head. Sirius was writing a letter for Marlene knowing she would be worried and could show Alice since they're in the same dorm along with another letter for Narcissa who was still at Hogwarts. Regulus sat and wrote on for Severus, "So when are you going to admit your crush on him?" Sirius asked making his brother jump and blush.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Regulus mumbled.

"Mm-hmm," Sirius responds, knowing he is lying. Ever since Severus had been getting the proper necessities that he needs to take care of himself, such as some better shampoo and the Potters had given him what Fleamont Potter used for his hair to help the oiliness. Severus had been surprised to find that Fleamont Potter, Charlus' brother was a potioneer and that the Potters had knowledge over potions, they just didn't show it. The potion was something Fleamont made because greasy Potter hair is horrible to deal with. Back on topic, Sirius had also noticed that his brother would stare at Severus more, especially now that Braeden has him on a fitness routine and is gaining some muscle. Sirius decided to let it go for now.

James was in his separate room writing a letter to Frank while Cassia was in her own room writing one to Pandora and Xeno. Merlin was curled up on his human's lap and sensed her guilty thoughts, getting up and zooming down to James' room. James heard the yipping from the door and opened to it to find Merlin motioning down to where the Heiress room was. He found Cassia there with her slumped over on her desk, head in arms, and her body was shaking. James entered the room, making sure to keep the door open (angry Braeden is scary), and sat next to her, "What's wrong?" he asked putting an arm around her. She startled, not hearing him, and he saw the letter expressing her guilty thoughts to Pandora. Another thing James, Regulus, Sirius, and now Severus had been warned about was that seers will take it personal if an event happened that couldn't be stopped. Pandora will feel guilty if she can't stop what she sees, Cassia can't stop the worst outcome she sees from happening, and from the look on Braeden's face earlier, the guilty look he had, he knew something would happen to the Potter couple and Orion. "Hey," James said quietly, gently lifting Cassia's head up to look at him, "I'm not angry, neither are Sirius and Regulus. I know you feel guilty about not being able to stop it, but you shouldn't. Sometimes things are supposed to happen no matter how much we try to change it. I'm sure Xeno is having the same conversation with Pandora right now, because you both have nothing to feel guilty over," he said looking directly into her dark purple teary eyes. She nods, "Say it's not your fault," James told her, keeping his soft tone.

"It's not my fault," she whispered, her tears gathering more and James pulled her into a hug. When James looked back at the door, he noticed the door had shut and there was a note. "Merlin, can you get me that note?" he asked the fox. The fox ran over and jumped up, grabbing the note and coming back over to the couple, 'One night only. No funny business, I'm to fucking young to be a grandfather—Braeden,' it read.

"Ooooh, he wants grandchildren eventually," James comments hearing a small giggle from Cassia who also read the note. James smiled in accomplishment before kissing her on the head, "You get dressed for bed, make a new letter for Xeno and Pandora, I'm gonna go get changed," he said and got up and hurried back over to his room. As he made his way back, he saw why Braeden let him stay in Cassia's room. He happened to pass by Lord Le Fay's office to see him being held by Hecate who gave the teenager a soft smile and motioned him along.

James got back to Cassia's door and knocked, not knowing if she finished changing, "Come in," he hears his mate's soft voice speak. Her throat had hurt from all the crying she had been doing. James entered the room and saw her waiting on her bed and she patted the spot next to her. He lay down next her pulled her to him, only for to wrap her arms around his neck and pull him to her, "Let it out," she whispered. Cassia knew James had been holding back, she knew Regulus and Sirius were in the same room so they could have company and get their emotions out. She recognized the pureblood mask all of them had up, she had one, her father had one, it kind of comes naturally with being descended from Hades, except for Severus. Severus is a special one who doesn't have a pureblood mask, it's just a scowl. Cassia will give him credit though, the scowl has gone away a considerable amount and she swore she saw him smile the other day. Cassia was snapped out her thoughts feeling tears on her neck as James finally let go of the mask and cried about his parents as she held him. Of course, afterwards, James made sure she wasn't feeling guilty again.

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