Chapter Fourteen

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Third POV

Severus had gone to his room, still in shock. The gods had left and Braeden had told him that he would start Severus' training soon. The other demigods had left too, the Blacks went back to destroying Walbitcha's items that she left behind. Marlene had gotten permission to visit the Black's along with others. Like Braeden though, Marlene's father demanded the door stayed open. James was reluctant to leave Cassia though, so were a few others, but they were convinced after finding out Severus' room was nowhere near Cassia's and Braeden would know if the boy got near her. This was the LeFay Manor, Severus didn't have LeFay blood, the wards would react to her if she felt she was in danger.

The next morning, Braeden and Cassia were about to have breakfast when they sent an elf to go wake up Severus as they had gotten some more news. The Blacks and Potters had also come back over after receiving the same news. Hecate was there too, totally not because she wanted to see a certain Le Fay that she so didn't still have a thing for. Severus was woken up by the elf, he was a little startled, "Master Braeden says Snapey needs to get dressed and have food downstairs," it said. Severus nodded and got up and dug out some of his clothes. He went down the stairs, following the steps he had been given by the elf, finding a full table. Braeden had been sitting at he front of the table, to his left sat Hecate and to his right sat Cassia. Nex to Cassia was James, and next to him sat Charlus, with Dorea next to her, and an empty seat next to her. On the other side, next to Hecate, sat Sirius, then Regulus, then Orion. "Severus, the empty seat is yours," Braeden said seeing him walk in. Severus quietly went to go sit next to the mother of somebody he had killed. He could tell yesterday that James was still recovering form the very raspy voice he had.

"We're going to the Underworld today," Braeden said as the boy sat down. Severus looked up surprised before he grabbed his own food. "Now boys, what were you saying?" Braeden asked the Black brothers. Severus had been surprised that Sirius was behaving himself, he would;ve been surprised for James too, but then again he was in fornt of his girlfriend;s parents.

"Lucius Malfoy had approached us before break along with our cousin Narcissa," Regulus started. Orion's attention had been caught now, "Oh?" he said.

"Yes, a certain ex-Lady Black had shown up to Cissa's house and started ranting about how you had gone off on her and she passed the message to Lucius. They were wondering if they, along with others could receive some extra protection from the Dark Lord, they are being forced to get the Mark and they don't want it," Sirius explained, "Cissa wanted to contact her sisters after finding out Bella was forcing Andy out so she wouldn't get in trouble. Bella is close to getting forced into it, so are the Lestrange brothers, they are protecting Barty Crouch Jr, who managed to get away from the Dark Lord when he released him form the prison his father put him in, but none of them want to be Death Eaters," he added looking at his father. Severus sat there shocked, he had actually been debating whether to join or not, but to find out some of the people who could have been his friends did not want to join and were seeking help surprised him. Orion nodded and looked like he was thinking of solutions.

When the meal was done, the group stood up and Severus was led down to a basement, he was looking around wearily, his only indication nothing bad was going to happen was Cassia almost skipping ahead of them, pulling James behind her. She was bouncing in her spot but waited patiently for her father to come forward. They were in fornt of a stone wall that Severus could tell might have actually had a door. Braeden pricked his finger and said something in Greek before the door had opened revealing a pathway to a dark room, Braeden cleared the way as Cassia sped through screaming, "GRAAAAAAAANDPPPPPAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Still scares me," Charlus muttered seeing Braeden and Dorea stifle a laugh. They all walked through, "Welcome to the Underworld," Braeden said to Severus as they entered a hallway and walked down until they reached a big room, it had two black thrones, one with jewels around it and one with flowers, if Severus assumed correctly, the jeweled one was Hades' throne as he was the God of Riches too, and the other was Persephone's as the Goddess of Spring. It helped that a giggling brunette woman was sitting in the flower throne while Hades was sprawled on the floor with Cassia on top of him, hugging him. "Did you tackle your grandfather?" Braeden asked.

"Nooo..." was mumbled from Cassia's spot.

"Yes!" Hades groaned out making Persephone laugh more. "If you don't get off of me, Cerberus is off limits," he added successfully making his granddaughter get up. While he loved his granddaughter, he knew she wasn't going to get up unless you threaten to take away her favorite hellhound.

"So, Snape," Regulus started, "Demi-witches/wizards tend to come down here so they can also practice with magic. The actual Underworld kids and the Guards can come down here separately for added training," he explained.

"But Hades wanted to talk to you first," Sirius added before walking off with his brother. They heard their father notice Thanatos' arrival, the "Hey hot-stuff in the black suit!" was the clue for them.

"What are we doing today?" Cassia asked Hades.

"I need to talk to Severus first, so I'll let you see your favorite hellhound," Hades said. Cassia beamed, "Can I show the others?"

Hades nodded, "Reggie, Siri, Jamie, come with meee," Cassia said.

"She had sugar, didn't she? She's acting like you when made Dumbledore's beard disappear," Orion asked. Charlus looked a bit scared, remembering how Braeden could get while the man in question just smirked. "CERBY!" he heard his daughter call, hearing three sets of barking in response.

"You spoil her," Persephone said to her husband. He did the same with is other daughters.

"Yeah," Hades agreed, the both of them wondering how it would be when the di Angelo's were out of the Casino.

(A/N: UPDATING INFO: If you want to know about updates please look at my message board on my profile.)

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